Part 5 - "Towering Pressure"

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Agent 4 shouted (despite it coming out scratchy and pixelated) as they tried to keep their balance, which was surprisingly bad in this metal body.
They were stuck on a ride rail being quickly chased by security bots that were just barely outranged!
"PEW PEW, SUCKERS! TAKE THAT!" H4CKER shouted, rapidfiring black ink from his drone.

It turns out, those "color chips" Marina mentioned gave the H4CKER drone some pretty solid upgrades too! He could now ink a lot more turf than before and unlocked several special weapons to use against the security bots. On top of Agent 4's new mobility, range, and accuracy, they were set!

The only bump in the road was the fact that the security bots themselves nearly doubled in numbers. After Agent 4 and H4CKER took her down "in person," Marina likely started to up her defenses while coming up with a different way to kick him out of the memverse. For now, they'd just have to deal with that up until they reach Floor 30... and hopefully find their answers there before she could come back stronger.

"Rail's coming to an end, Agent 4! Tuck and roll!"

Agent 4 caught themself in a somersault as they were launched off the rail, got up, and began to ink the floor around them before shooting at the bots!

"KABLAM!" H4CKER exclaimed as they took out a solid amount, "Nice work! Team Four for the win, YES!"

Agent 4 found themself laughing along with him (again, even if it did come out scratchy and pixelated). As things got faster-paced, it also became more fun! Their companion continued to fire, giving Agent 4 the time to ink just enough ground for their aura to light up.

"That time already? Then let's hit 'em with it!"

Agent 4 nodded - standing side by side with the H4CKER drone, they both prepared themselves, and then...

"Order up! Serve them the special!"

With that, H4CKER shot four stingrays from the drone and Agent 4 took out the trizooka and let it rip! In a single instant, the security bots had all been completely destroyed - all except just one.

"One left? Heh, wanna do the honors, Agent 4?"

They gestured to the bot themself - they'd let their companion take this one.

"If you say so!"
The H4CKER drone flew straight up to the last security bot, aiming right towards it.
With a single bullet, it broke down.

Agent 4 lifted their arms up in celebration, then ran towards the drone for a high five - which was gladly accepted by H4CKER.
"Team Four!" He exclaimed while laughing, "And that's Floor 24 down, baby! WOOO!!"

The drone spun around, and they heard him sigh.
"Alllllright, elevator's ready to go. Just five more levels, and then we're finally set. Ready to go?"

Agent 4 nodded. Course they were!

"Of course you are! To the elevator!"
The two raced for their destination, and once inside, Agent 4 sat down again. Just five more floors...
They couldn't believe themself and H4CKER already knocked down 14 of these levels! Sure, that was hours ago... but they were still making good progress! After a whole adventure like this...
They couldn't wait to tell Agent 2 all about it!

"Agent 2?"

They stopped.

"Who's Agent 2?" H4CKER asked.

Who is Agent 2...?
Agent 4 closed their eyes and thought as hard as they could, trying to remember...
Whoever the person was, they were probably close with them if it was instinct to tell this person all about it... but what else? What else do they remember?

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