Chapter 1. Livvy

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Brad P.O.V

I grabbed some coffee and my bag holding all my materials I would need.
I quickly ran to the back and down to the cellar where there was Dan was working on our project.
We've been working on this project for years and today was the test day.

"Finally you came. I thought you were going to over sleep again," he yawned.

"Well good thing I didn't."

I laid my bag on a counter and took out needles and can of toxins.

"Never knew making a human was hard especially with this kind of powers."

"Well what do you expect? That it would come with a manual," I chuckled.

"I wish it did," he mumbled.

He came over as I injected the needle into the toxic.

"You sure that will work on her. I mean our last subject didn't work out so well."

"I know, I'm not a hundred percent sure but we got to try it anyways."

"I feel like we're playing the professor role in the power puff girls," Dan joked.

I shook my head and grabbed the needles and went over to the huge container filled with chemicals and inside was the little girl we made.

"Alright drain up the chemicals I need to inject her with this stuff."

He pressed a button and the chemicals slowly drained down. She slowly landed on the ground. Dan wore gloves and grabbed her, he carried her on to the lab table.

"How come we don't give her a name."

I shrugged.

"We'll give her a name if she works."

I grabbed the blood of some animals and injected it to her neck. I grabbed the needle with the toxic chemicals and injected it to her head.

"Alright give me the heart," I said with a needle in hand.

He handed a heart, its a human heart but we added many things and chemicals to it. I opened up her chest and placed it in, I stitched it.

"The stitches will ware off after a couple of days and it will be like a heart a human one," I smiled.

I stitched up her chest. I placed her on a heart monitor, after injecting a couple of medicines we were finished. We stood back. I could see her chest glow. It took us months to find the right heart for her, we managed to take one from a rare wolf. 

I stood back and watched the heart monitor. We looked at each other and I sighed.

"Maybe we've fai-"

Suddenly the heart monitor went rapid for a minute before it slowed down to a normal heart beat. We both looked at each other,

"YES! We made a super human."

"Yeah, and thanks to the brain she already knows many stuff," I cheered.

Her eyes suddenly opened. She sat up and we walked over to her.

"Hello," I smiled.

She tilted her head,

"Hello," she said.

Her eyes were a dark brown and she had short hair but soon it will grow.

I quickly put clothes on her.

"Alright so how old is she," Dan said.

"Well she's still young she's like five."

"Who am I," she asked.

Dan looked at me and I smiled.

"Your names Livvy."


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