Chapter 23. Don't Question Me

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I walked back towards the pack house with Fex right behind me. Leven looked worried and I noticed he scanned me for any marks. I gave him a smile reassuring him I was okay. I noticed Isabel carrying boxes,

"When did you arrive," I asked.

"Well Axel mind linked me saying how I should collect some stuff here. There could be some useful items."

I nodded and turned to Fex who was talking to Leven.

"You want to go now," Axel mumbled.

"Yeah, I am kinda hungry."

I followed Axel and Fex along with Leven were right behind us.


We arrived a the pack house and I stopped,

"Something wrong Livvy," questioned Axel.

My nose twitch and shivers went down my spine. Not the good kind. The one of fear and being watched. Someone was watching us, something dark and strong.

"We're being watched," I mumbled.

Leven and Fex quickly looked around. Suddenly the feeling went away.

"Over here," yelled Leven.

We ran behind him and stopped to see a note. I took the note. Tyler.

Seems like your all nice and happy. Fully heal Livvy, not for long. You made the wrong move yelling at your team buying me some time. Before you were useless and still are, wrong move for me using you. But now I'm ready. I'll be seeing you soon.


I let out a growl and crumbled up my paper.

"Calm down Livvy, we'll kill him."

"I can't handle this! He needs to be dead and I'm going to look for him," I growled.

"Livvy wait, if your going to look for him we need to train."

"He's weak, we don't need any training. We can kill him instantly," I growled louder.

"I don't know about that," said Axel.

I turned to him.

"You felt it, you felt fear Livvy. And he might not just be like he was last time. We've noticed some medicine and other jars missing."

I shook my head.

"Either way we can kill him."

I walked away.

"Wait Livvy please, I thought we were all family and family listen to each other," Fex yelled.

I stopped. I sighed and nodded,

"Fine we'll train. Yet it's pointless."

"Well for us it's not, we can upgrade stuff if we train," Leven said crossing his arms.

"Fine, I guess it wouldn't hurt."

Fex smiled and grabbed my arm dragging me towards the training ground. Fex and Leven ran in the house then a couple minutes later they came out in suits. I watched as Leven used him technology and inserted some type of chip into Fex.

Fex hand turned into sheilds. I watch them train, while Axel trained with his pack.

"Luna, why aren't you training."

I noticed it was one of our guards.

"No need to train," I mumbled.

"Come on, everyone needs to train even you."

I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Come on let's spar."

Ooh, he's going to regret that.

"Sure," I smirked.

I walked over to the fighting ground where a match was being finished up. They stopped and quickly backed up. I could hear them mumble, some saying,

"Frank, you made the dumbest mistake." And "Frank is dead" "Oh gosh get beat to the ground."

I noticed Fex and Leven stopped there training along with Axel and watched.

"You made a mistake Frank, I know what I'm doing," I chuckled.

"Let's let the match judge that."

I got into my stance and he did to. I heard a whistle and she shifted and went for an attack. I quickly dodged it and grabbed his back leg and threw him back to his side. He landed perfectly, I went for the attack and shifted into a wolf. He quickly moved out the way and tackled me down.

"Ha!" he laughed.

I quickly grabbed his front paws and shifted into a cheetah dragging him along and threw him. I shifted to my self and ran fast after him. Before he touched the ground I caught him in his wolf.

"Don't celebrate to early."

"How about a duel man to man," yelled another guard.

I chuckled and dropped the wolf and once again got into my stance.

He charged and I blocked his fist, swinging mine but he dodged. He knocked my off my feet but I caught my self doing back flips and standing up straight. I charged and swung my feet hitting the side of his head knocking him down.

"Alright I'm done," I laughed.

He groaned,

"Yeah you might be able to beat me but you still lack a little bit."

I raised my eyebrow and grabbed him by the shirt. He went pail,

"I know what I'm doing, don't question me."

I knee him in the sunshine and knocked him down. He groaned even more,

"G-got it luna. Agh."

I looked over to Leven.

"Alright then," smirked Leven.

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