Ch. 8: Lightning Strikes

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Eating her sweet roll in a rush, Cat ran through Bonesborough, hoping to avoid any attention. She unfortunately tripped and landed in an alley.

"Damn fake leg." Cat said standing up.

"Who's there!?"

"Shit." Cat said, before turning and seeing Titan Trappers.

"Who is she?!" One trapper asked.

"How much did she hear?" Another one asked.

"Doesn't matter, we need to get rid of her." The group leader said.

They went to corner her, when the person in black dropped down between them.

"Lios atitica grendree." They said, pulling their sword out.

"Huh?! Who are you?!" One trapper shouted, looking at the person.

"Hopefully a good person." Cat muttered as she got up.

The person raised their sword, ready to attack. The trappers got their weapons up as well. The person in black ran at them.

Two trappers moved to block the attack with their spears.

The person jumped off their spears and backflipped in the air, before throwing two balls of fire at them.

The 2 Titan Trappers were set ablaze, burned and injured greatly!

"Aaaah!" They screamed in pain as they collapsed.

The person then rushed and clashed their blade with another, pushing the trapper back from their strength.

They spun their sword in their hand so it was in a reverse grip, and stabbed the Trapper rushing at them from behind.

"Ugh!" He said as he was stabbed.

The person pulled out their sword and then proceeded to slit their throat.

With three of his allies dead, the last remaining Titan Trapped turned to Cat and rushed to her!

'I'll use her as a hostage and escape!' They thought.

The person then did something Cat didn't expect... they used lightning... RED lightning. It cracked across their body, before it was fired at the last trapper. Not enough power to kill them, but more like a taser.

"Red lightning?" Cat said in surprise.

"Don't you FUCKING touch her." The person said, approaching the Trapper.

The person lifted the trapper off the ground and put them in a head lock. With a quick jerk, the trappers neck was snapped. The body dropped and Cat looked over the person.

"No... it can't be." Cat said.

The person reached up and removed their mask resulting in Cat's eye going wide.

"Skara?" She said.

"Follow me." Skara said, before running and using her momentum to climb up the wall.

Stunned and very amazed, Cat quickly aimed her hook at fired its grappling light over the wall.

'I have so many questions.' Cat thought before reeling herself up to the roof of the building.

Cat made it up to the roof, but Skara didn't slow down. She ran across the rooftop and flipped to the next roof.

"... I know it's been a while, Babe, but need i remind you, that I am a cripple?" Cat said motioning to the fake leg.

"Has that ever stopped you before?!" Skara shouted back, her hands on her hips

"... If I lose my other leg doing this, I'm breaking up with you!" Cat said.

"I missed you too, sweetie!" Skara said with a grin, ignoring threat.

'Titan give me strength.' Cat thought before went took off running.

She jumped, and almost missed the ledge. Thankfully, Skara grabbed her hand and pulled her up.

"Gotcha!" Skara said, holding Cat close like they were about to dance.

"Thank you, Skara but first...." Cat said before slapping Skara around the face. "Why didn't you tell me you were coming home?!"

"Because I didn't want anyone to know." Skara said, "War is breaking out on Isno, Titan Trappers have been attacking our ships, killing my men, when I heard they were coming here, I knew this was the chance to end this war before it started."

"What war?" Cat asked.

"A war to save the Titans." Skara said before kissing Cat quickly and pulling back. "Try and keep up."

Skara ran and jumping to the next roof, leaving Cat alone with only one thought.

'What happened to her these last few years?' Cat thought before rushing off to follow her girlfriend.

The Forbidden Drink III: Titanic ProblemsWhere stories live. Discover now