Chapter 6: The Overnight

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"I'm home!" Kate calls as she drops her keys on the front hall table, taking her shoes off as she hangs her coat up and heads into the kitchen.

"Hey babe." Rick says, turning away from the sink where he's rinsing dishes before loading the dishwasher. "How was the rest of your day? Give any more thought to what we discussed earlier?"

"Busy, productive and thankfully, over for the next two days. And yeah... it's a step outside of my comfort zone, but," she pauses to take a deep breath before continuing. "I think I'm going to take you up on it."

"Good!" Rick happily exclaims. "Good! I think you should. Are any of your girlfriends free?"

"Unfortunately with the short notice, no. But I think that's ok. It'll give me some time to make my way through - or honestly, even put a dent in - the pile of books on my nightstand, journal, soak in a tub without being interrupted..."

Kate doesn't even realized she's stopped talking as she daydreams of some long overdue peace and quiet until she's interrupted from her thoughts by Rick.

"Katie? You still in there?" He laughs.

"Yes, yes. Sorry! Just thinking about how long it's been since I've been able to take a bath - let alone a relaxing soak while reading and sipping wine - and not a quick shower in the morning or before bed."

"Well enjoy it. You've earned it and it's long overdue. I love you Kate." Rick walks over to Kate, wraps her in his arms and gives her a quick kiss on the forehead before they're interrupted by the kids.

"Where is dinner daddy? I'm starving!" Says Cass, sitting down at the table.

"Coming right up! Now eat quickly, we've got a soccer game to win!"

Cass - a daddy's girl in every sense of the word - smiles up at Rick who is placing a plate of pasta, chicken and salad in front of her as her sister joins her at the table.

Kate and Rick exchange a look as Kate sighs.

She wonders to herself, "Am I a horrible mother for leaving him alone to handle everything, even if just for a night?"

As if hearing her thoughts Rick say, "Go pack. I've got this under control-."

"But..." she starts

"No. I promise. Go pack. Maybe even consider staying two nights. I've got this under control."

Before Kate can protest again, Rick is guiding her towards the stairs.

"We're going to the finals next week!!!" Cassidy screams, running off the field and jumping into Rick's arms.

"Way to go, sweetheart! You guys all did such an amazing job out there!!!" Kate tells Cass, giving her a squeeze, "group hug" style through Rick. "Awesome blocking in the goal tonight!

"Thanks mommy!" Cass says to Kate, turning to return her hug.

"I got it from here, Kate. Go and have fun. I know you're only planning on one night, but I am heading out of town on Tuesday morning and the finals game IS that night. If you don't feel relaxed enough after tonight, maybe you should consider one more night."

"Baby steps, Rick. I haven't even left you guys yet. This is a whole new world and though often fantasized about, who knows if I'll even be able to sleep without being under the same roof as you all."

"Ok, well at the very least, get on with it before you chicken out. Have you even made reservations anywhere or were you planning on driving around and looking for a Motel 6? Do they still leave the light on for you?" He laughs at the corniest joke he's ever made. Dad joke material for sure.

But she can't help laughing in return.

"I made a reservation at the Hilton downtown. I splurged on a suite with a jacuzzi tub. Go big or go home, right? And I'm too invested at this point to go home."

"Atta girl." Rick says, kissing her gently and lovingly on the lips. "Now for the last time, get out of here. We have a full night of junk food and Netflix ahead of us."

"I'm sure you do."

And with that, she headed off the soccer field and towards her car... and a night of freedom.

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