Chapter 10: My Past Walks into the Bar...

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She is still staring in disbelief at Brandon when the bartender repeats,"Ma'am? Your drink." As he puts the glass of carbonated dark liquid down on the bar in front of her.

"Thank you." She says to the bartender, snapping out of her stunned trance. She picks up her drink and takes a long sip before turning back to Brandon who is waiting patiently for more from Kate.

"What are... what are you doing here?" She manages to get out. "How are you... you look... Wow. You haven't changed a bit." She stammers in conclusion, reaching for her glass again, this time taking a large gulp of her drink.

As if sensing that this one drink won't be enough, the young bartender - whose name tag she now sees reads "Andy" - hurries over and asks Kate,"Would you like another?"

"Yes please, Andy." she says, a somewhat panicked smile plastered on her face. "That would be great."

She hears Brandon chuckle, his signature laugh.

"Still drinking Malibu and Diet Coke I see."

"WHEN I drink," she says. "Which isn't frequently these days. How about you? Still drinking craft beers and frequenting microbreweries."

"Yes." He says, tilting his half full pint glass towards her in reply. "And to answer one of your previous questions, that's why I'm in town. One of the microbreweries that my firm works with is looking to open a location downtown. I'm here to scope out the scene and report back if it's a wise financial decision and if they're likely to make a return on their investment. Wasn't too hard of a decision to make to come here, as it's my old stomping grounds and will always hold a special place in my heart."

As he says that last word she feels a deep pang originating in her chest and settling in her stomach. A feeling - a longing maybe? - that she hasn't thought of in almost two decades. She brushes it off.

She starts to open her mouth to reply and realizing she still hasn't fully formulated a thought, takes yet another large sip of her drink instead.

"Katie O'Conner." He states her name. "Of all the hotel bars in all the world, you walked into this one."  To the untrained ear, it might sound charming and confident, - bordering on conceited - but she knew - had known, she corrects herself. Past tense. - him well enough to hear the slight wistfulness in his statement.

"It's Anderson now." She says in reply, noticing his eyes instinctively drop to her left ring finger, growing briefly wider as he takes his own large sip of his drink.

For the first time since the start of their interaction he seems genuinely speechless and it shocks her. Does this mean he's never looked her up on Facebook? Her profile was secure, but her rotation of public profile pictures were frequently of herself and Rick or of the entire family.

If he had looked her up in the many years since they had last seen each other, he didn't let on.

"Anderson, huh?" He questions, repeating it a few times as if trying it on for size. "Katie Anderson. Well congratulations, Katie."

Was that a hint of envy she heard in his voice? For the first time since this awkward exchange began, she feels like she has the upper hand and begins to relax a bit.

"Thanks. It's been fifteen years." She pauses to briefly glance down at his hand. Not seeing a ring, she continues. "And you? Is there a Mrs. Carter?"

He shakes his head quickly. "No." And then, "Well, not anymore. I was married for a short time about ten years ago. Unfortunately it didn't work out."

"I'm sorry to hear that." She says, genuinely apologetic.

"It's ok. And, thank you." Brandon says. Quickly changing the subject he continues, "Are you sticking around for a bit or are you meeting someone?" He looks around as if expecting someone - the husband he's just learned of, perhaps? - to be joining her at the bar.

"Not meeting anyone." She says. "I actually just came in for a solo dinner."

"In that case, let me buy you a drink."

Before Kate can reply, Andy reappears and asks her if there is anything else he can get her. Thinking it would be wise to eat something at the rate she's been drinking, she places an order for a Cobb Salad and an ice water.

"And you, sir?" The waiter says, turning to Brandon. Kate wonders if the two look like they are on a date, and briefly worries someone she knows might spot her here and think the same.

"I'll have a bacon cheeseburger, sub onion rings for fries and double the order. And another round for my friend and I." He says, turning towards Kate and smiling as he says the last part.

"I'll put that right in." Andy says, walking away.

"A double order?" She asks. "A steady diet of that will kill you. You're not in your twenties anymore, you know." And with that, Kate Anderson - wife and mother - has entered the chat.

"Who says this is my steady diet?" He retorts."Besides, I got extra onion rings because I remembered you liked them."

Taking a final sip of his beer he puts his empty glass on the bar just as Andy returns with their next round.

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