Chapter 1

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Hot shot is five years old. He lives with his parents Heatwave and Quickshadow. They all live in Fort Worth Texas. They all live a very happy and normal life there.

Heatwave his father is a firefighter and is very good at his job. He is very brave and strong, he has helped save many lives. He has many good friends too. He is a very good and loving husband and father. He helped teach Hot shot all about fire safety and how and when to call 911. Hot shot very smart and understood it all. Heatwave loves his wife and son very much.

Quickshadow his mother is a stay at home mom from a rich background. She is very kind and caring. She takes good care of her home and son. She makes sure the house is in full working order. She keeps the house as neat as a pin. She is a great cook and makes lots of yummy meals and tasty desserts. She often takes Hot shot with her to run errands. She is a very devoted and loving wife and mother. She loves her husband and son with all of her heart.

Hot shot has other relatives too. He has his grandparents who are his father's parents. They live in San Antonio Texas. He calls them Granny and Pawpaw. He has an aunt and uncle on his father's side who are is his father's older sister and brother in law. He also has three cousins who are the three children of his aunt and uncle on his father's side. He has his grandparents who are his mother's parents. They live in London England. He calls them Grandmum and Granddad. He also has an uncle who is his mother's twin brother who is a very successful actor and businessman.

Hot shot is also very close to his father's childhood friends. Their names are Blades, Boulder and Chase. They are like brothers to his father. Hot shot calls them his uncles out of affection.

Hot shot is a highly active little boy. He loves to run, jump, climb, play and do sports. Hot shot plays tee ball, soccer, and does gymnastics. He loves to ride his bike and roller skate. He loves to be on the move he doesn't like to keep still at all. He loves to be on the move. He is a child who is an athlete through and through. He is also very smart and kind, he has a big heart. He loves to help others and do what needs to be done. He is also the kind of person willing to help others.

Hot shot has always been a very healthy child. He has never had any serious problems with his health. He has never needed to go to the hospital. Hot shot has gotten his fair share of, bumps, cuts, scrapes and bruises. But that is too be expected from a child as active as he is. Hot shot sometimes got tummy aches or colds, but he got over them really quick. His parents were very happy to have such a healthy son.

They didn't think things could ever go wrong. However things can change in a heartbeat. Even though change can sometimes be good. It is not always a good thing. The other type of change is never an easy thing. Sometimes this change can either break you or make your stronger. This type of change is when you need to depend on your friends and family. It will test your hope, your faith, your strength, and your courage, and you will need all of it to face it too.

It was Mid April, two weeks from the start of May, when it happened. Hot shot woke up in the morning and noticed he had a horrible headache. "Ow my head," Hot shot said.

Hot shot got out of bed and headed into the kitchen for breakfast. He saw his parents there. His mother was making pancakes. "Good morning Hot shot," Quickshadow said.

"Good morning son," Heatwave said.

"Morning," Hot shot said.

Hot shot sat down at the table. Hot shot loved his mother's pancakes. But other than his head hurting he also had a tummy ache. He didn't touch much of his pancake or drink much of his chocolate milk.

"Son are you feeling okay?" Heatwave asked. "You hardly touched any of your breakfast," he said. "You normal gobble down your mother's pancakes," he said. "I never seen you drink so little of chocolate milk before," he said.

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