Chapter 2

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Hot shot was in Cook Children's hospital. He just recently found out he had a brain tumor. His brain tumor is malignant meaning it is cancer. Hot shot is going to get treatment for his brain tumor. Hot shot doesn't know much about cancer or brain tumors so he is very confused. He didn't understand much of it to say the least.

Hot shot was going to have surgery in the morning to help remove some of the tumor. The doctors want to be able to help Hot shot the best they can. They did some tests to see if the can had spread or not and what stage it was. Currently it was at stage 2 where it shows some signs of spreading to other parts of the brain. Because little parts of the tumor were growing into other tumors in the brain. It means Hot shot was going to need a lot of aggressive treatment in order to treat the cancer and make it go away.

Hot shot was holding on to Roxy to the rhino as he slept. Hot shot was really having trouble sleeping at the moment. He had a lot on his mind. He was thinking about his brain tumor and it being cancer. He was thinking about what he was told about brain tumors and cancer. Hot shot was wondering about many things. He was wondering why he has brain tumor. He was also worried if it might be his fault he had brain tumor. Hot shot woke up once again and looked at Roxy.

"You okay?" Quickshadow asked.

"I just can't sleep," Hot shot said.

"That's okay," Quickshadow said. "When a diagnosis like this happens it is normal to have trouble sleeping," she said. "I am having trouble sleeping myself because of it, because my little boy is very sick," she said. "But I got in contact with this special group this morning after you got diagnosed with the type of tumor you have, they just called me and they are willing to help with information and such." she said. "They made that video you watched about the MRI." she said. "They also made other videos to help," she said. "They are the pediatric brain tumor foundation and they are going to help us with support, information, relief payments, connections and they said we can share your story if we choose," she said. "They told me now you are one of their stars." she said.

"Wow," Hot shot said.

"Try to get some sleep okay Hot shot?" Quickshadow said.

"Okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot went to sleep after that. The next morning his mother pulled up the videos on Hot shot's tablet for him to watch. Hot shot watched the video about finding out about having cancer. It explained that Hot shot's cancer is something that just happened to him and it wasn't his fault and big feelings are normal to feel. Hot shot also watched the video about surgery. It explained about his brain being like a computer and how it controlled everything he did and what the doctors were going to do. He found out he was going to be asleep during the surgery and the doctors are going to remove as much as possible of the tumor and he was going to wake up peacefully. He found out how he might feel waking up from surgery but it was all going to be normal. During that time he was checking out the videos he was being examined by the nurses. They were checking on him to make sure everything was going alright. He also got some blood taken from his Hickman line. It didn't hurt one little bit.

Hot shot was hugging Roxy. Hot shot was wondering what else may happen. Then Penny the child life specialist come in with a special toy. "Hot shot this is a chemo duck and it is for you," Penny said. "This chemo duck has a Hickman line just like you," she said. "This Hickman line will help it get medicine it needs just like your Hickman line will help give you medicine you need." she said. "Chemo duck has cancer like you," she said.

"Does she have the same cancer as me?" Hot shot asked.

"She does, every kid with cancer in the hospital has a chemo duck and their own chemo ducks have the same kind of cancer as them," Penny said. "What are you going to call her?" she asked.

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