Chapter Ten

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Eva's POV

I saw Hailey watching to class and I ran after her,"Bitch, how could you?. After everything we've been through together you did this?".

She turned to face me,"Eva".  I couldn't stop my tears,"Don't fucking call my name. I'm asking you a question. Was a small argument enough for you to sell me out?".

People had gathered by this time but I didn't care. "I hate you so much right now. You were like the sister I never had, at least that's what I thought".

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you".

I was furious,"Really?. You meant it, Hailey. It wasn't a subconscious act. What happened to me and you forever?. You fucking drugged me and paid a guy to have his way with me. Why would you think of doing something like that to me?".

She wiped her tears,"I'm sorry. Please find it in your heart to forgive me".

I slapped her,"Don't fucking cry and apologize. Haven't you done enough?. Was befriending Hilary not a move to hurt me?. You went and drugged me for what exactly?. What did you gain?. Didn't you stop to think what damage you would have caused me?. Huh?".

She was silent and I was broken. "I don't even mind the fact that you tried to drug me. You went and hit me where it hurt the most. You called my dad over".

Her eyes met mine and all I could see was regret in her eyes. "I didn't mean to".

I screamed at her,"Didn't mean to?. You didn't mean to call my dad here?. Yes know what I've fucking been through".

I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist and pull me back,"Princess it's okay".

I fought him,"It's not okay. This bitch called my dad. She hit me where it fucking hurt the most". He rubbed my back,"Calm down".

"How am I supposed to calm down when he's dying?. How the fuck am I supposed to calm down?".

Hailey's eyes met mine,"Dying?". "Dying", was all I said before I ran out.
Adam's POV

It broke me to see her hurt. I hated it when she cried. I hated seeing her in so much pain. I wanted to end everyone that messed with her.

I glared at Hailey before running after Eva. She was broken and I knew what it felt like to hurt deep down. "Eva".

She turned around and hugged me tight, sobbing loudly. I rubbed her back, hoping I'd soothe her pain. I suck at comforting people, I know.

I cupped her face,"Princess, I know how you feel right now. Trust me I've felt it too. Let me make you happy. Let me take you somewhere to chill for the weekend. Just the both of us. Okay?".

She nodded and wiped her tears,"I need you and you alone. Fuck the rest". I laughed as I pulled her in for a hug. Watashi no on'nanoko (My girl)
Eva's POV

"I'm almost ready. I just need to apply a little more lipgloss". I heard Adam groan,"We don't have all day, Eva. Please be fast".

We got to a beautiful house in the middle of nowhere. Well, not nowhere, I just didn't know because I slept through out the entire drive here.

I felt my panties get damp a little but I ignored it, thinking I probably just imagined it. "Wow Adam, is this yours?".

He nodded,"Yup. Got it last year. It's my secret and safe place".

I nodded as I admired the house,"Umm Adam. Where's the bathroom?". He gave me directions and I ran to the bathroom.

No, this can't be happening. I got my freaking monthly visitor when I was out for the weekend with Adam.

"Uh Adam. Got tampons?". His eyes met mine,"I could get it right now if you want me to. Do you have cravings?. Are you sure you can stay alone?. Cramps?. Jeez, am I asking too much questions?".

I chuckled,"Just get tampons and chocolates. He nodded and left the house.

Later we had ice cream as we watched vampire diaries. He rubbed my tummy and planted kisses on my head occasionally. It was in the heat of that moment that I realized my feelings for him.

It wasn't just sex anymore.

There's something in the way he looks at me.

And just his smile brightens up my entire day.

I knew what this feeling was.

I knew how consuming it could be.

I knew I was in for a very rough ride.

I knew it would leave me broken.

I knew what I felt for him was forbidden.

I knew i loved him.

A/N: She's in love y'allllll but is he in love?. Only time will tell sweethearts.

I love y'all

Stay safe.

Love and light.

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