Chapter Fifteen

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Eva's POV

"You can do this princess. You don't have to his when you're the victim". I nodded,"I guess. Adam, please stick by my side. I'm not sure I can do this without you".

He nodded and we got out, walking hand in hand. People looked at me with pity but I still felt very uncomfortable.

Adam squeezed my hand," Let's go. We have History class". We sat next to each other and he tried to get me to loosen up a little bit. I love this guy.

As I stared into his ocean eyes, I wondered if he felt the same about me. I wasn't as pretty as Hilary. She had beautiful, green eyes and I had brown eyes.

"I love your eyes", I blurted out. I slapped my hand over my mouth and he chuckled,"I love yours too".

I rolled my eyes,"You're only saying it. You don't mean it". He shook his head,"I should have said this since but I kinda like the way your beautiful eyes shine under the sun".

I blushed,"Thanks". He laughed,"Why is your face as red as a tomato?". I hit his arm,"Shut up".

Adam held my hand throughout school,"Have lunch with me. Besides, you haven't had lunch with me before". I nodded with a smile on my face,"Let's go".

Adam introduced me to the rest of the team members and we kicked off pretty well. We were all eating and laughing when Hilary came over.

She sat on Adam's laps and pecked his lips,"I missed you baby. Where have you been?". He shrugged,"Been busy".

She nodded and smiled at me,"I hope Adam isn't bringing girls home, sissy". I shook my head,"Barely has time for them".

She chuckled before facing him again,"Are you free tonight?. We could get at it. Like last time". Adam looked at me before looking at her again.

She stared at him,"Why are you acting like we didn't just fuck two weeks ago. It was nice, you know ".

My head snapped in their direction and I felt my heart shatter. He was sleeping around and I was being completely loyal. It was obvious that this guy would only play me till he got tired.

I got up,"Um, I have to go now. I'll see you around, Hilary". And with that, I walked away.

I bumped into Hailey on my way out and she smiled at me,"Eva, are you good?. I know what happened to you must be..."

"Fuck off".

She frowned,"I honestly don't understand why you're so angry. Anyone can make a mistake, why make such a big deal about it?. Your mum moved on so why couldn't he do the same?. What kind of a daughter are you?. You weren't even there for him when he was dying!".

"Really?. He wasn't there for me when I cried at night for my dad!. He wasn't there when eight year old me got looked down on because her dad wasn't with her. He wasn't there when I hid in a corner in grade seven and watched everyone celebrate father's day with their dads with tears in my eyes. He wasn't there and even now he's six feet deep. I was going to be there for him when he was dying but your relationship ruined it all. I don't have a problem with him moving on, I have a problem with you".

We were both crying our eyes out. "Will we ever go back to being the old Hailey and Eva?. I promise if you give me another chance I won't ruin it".

"I know you'll ruin it. I already know that if I give our friendship another chance you'll shatter me completely".

"Eva, when I was five I was neglected by my own parents. You shared your tasty meals with me and played with me. You brought light into my life once again. You brought light into five year old Hailey's life. You made her laugh, you became a sister. I shouldn't have drugged you like that and from the bottom of my heart, I'm deeply sorry. I'm sorry for going behind your back with your dad. I didn't mean to hurt you because you're a big part of me".

"Five year old me was naive. I didn't know what I was doing. If I could turn back the hands of the clock and take us back in time, I would have never held on to you".

And we just stood there, crying and staring at each other in the middle of the school hall. We were two broken girls with parental issues.

I walked away and the first thing I saw when I walked into the library was Adam shoving his tongue down a girl in maths club throat, Jean.

I ran out of school, not able to take the pain. I heard someone scream my name and when I turned , a truck was speeding towards me. In a flash of light, I was brought to my knees, trying to keep my eyes open.

"Eva stay the fuck with me". I'm trying to stay. I want to stay but I'm being pulled into a realm of darkness. Maybe if you held onto me I wouldn't go and I felt myself falling into a pit of darkness.

A/N: Well well well. I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter. Tighten your seat belt and anticipate Chapter sixteen.

Don't forget to,





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