Chapter 17

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Author's POV

2 years back

It was Jungkook's first day of school. Saying that he was anxious would be an understatement, he can't express his nervousness in words.

It was a good thing that his childhood best friends was in the same school.

Although they weren't in the same class as Jungkook, he was still thankful for their presence. He was slowly stepping towards his class. He was walking on the corner to avoid any kind of attention.

He still remember that when he was in his middle school he used to get bullied constantly because of his poor background.

He still get flashbacks of those moments as his nightmares. Sadly he can't even share those things with his mom since he doesn't want to burden his mom more.

She already has many responsibilities as a single mother and he don't want to burden her more.

He just hoped that he doesn't face the same treatment in highschool also.

He then heard a giggling sound. He looked ahead and founded three boys chasing each other, two were in the front and the other one was running behind them.

Suddenly the two boys in the front parted their ways and one of them turned towards the way where Jungkook was standing.

He was about to move from the place he was standing so that he and the other boy won't collide. But his legs didn't obeyed because he was stunned by what he saw.

A completely ethereal human being. His eyes trapped Jungkook in them. His brown hairs were bouncing in the air.

And before he could process anything his body collided with the ethreal male. They were about to fall but fortunately they didn't as the other male maintained his balance but that resulted Jungkook being in the arms of the male. The brunette has his one hand around Jungkook's waist and another on his shoulder, holding him tightly like if he loses his hold around the younger male's waist, he might fall.

Tae's POV

It was just another normal day for me. Hearing my mother's complains early in the morning and then walking to school.

Once I reached school, I looked for my friends and found them bickering about something. Basically they were bickering for some unknown and useless reason but I thought to tease my soulmate for a bit so I supported Hobi Hyung in their bickering and then we both started to annoy the hell outta him. To the extent that he was running behind us to teach us a good lesson. We ran for our lives. Jimin is an literal angel but if someone gets on his nerves then you have to face his wrath.

After running around for a while, I decided to part ways with Hobi Hyung and so did I did.

But I never expected to see something like that.

Those doe like eyes of his were looking so pure. His whole presence was looking pure. His dark black locks were falling on his forehead, his doe-like eyes were doing something to me, his plump lips looking so fresh and tasty- YAH! Kim Taehyung snap back from your unholy thoughts. Just then I noticed our position, which was extremely awkward.

I immediately helped him stand up properly and removed my grip around him.

"I-um-I am s..sorry " fuck! Why did I stuttered!!! I am such a stupid!!

"No-uh it's okay, I should've moved away, it's not your fault " he replied.

Damn!!! His voice was so sweet that I can hear it all day. "I hope you are not hurt anywhere? " I asked.

"No no, I am fine. You held me on the right moment otherwise I would have really fell. Thanks " he said and smiled a little. His cute bunny teeth were showing. "Cute" I suddenly voiced out my feelings without even realising. "What? " he asked, a bit flustered. "Oh! I just said your smile is very cute, I am sorry if I crossed my line. " I said, a bit worried about my first impression on him. "No, it's fine you haven't crossed any lines and thank you for the compliment. " he said, blushing a little. Before we could say anything more the bell rang indicating the start of our first day of highschool. "I think I need to go now, bye " I said. "Bye " he replied. "Umm by the way can I know your name? " I asked "It's Jeon Jungkook " he replied. "Kim Taehyung " I said forwarding my hand for a handshake and he gladly accepted.


That's it for today's chapter, hope you liked it, I tried to show a little bit of their past in this chap. And also Taehyung hair color in the flashbacks is light brown.

Please vote and comment if you liked and please check out my new book "Stuck with you" if you haven't read it till now.

Anneyeong 👋 👋 👋

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