Chapter 12

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Author's POV

Jimin was walking around the park as he was getting bore at home so he thought to take a walk.

Warm summer breeze was hitting his body time to time. He was enjoying his little walk then he heard some familiar voices. He looked around to find the sources of the voice.

At a bench nearby, he noticed two boys hugging each other while crying. One was crying uncontrollably and the other one was trying to control his tears.

A spark of jealousy spread through his body. He looked at the two of them with hatred in his eyes. He wanted to sprint towards them and separate them from that hug and keep that cute little savage cat forever with him.

But he can't do that, he don't have any rights to separate them. The only thing he can do is suffer alone. He came out of his thoughts and saw the younger boy leaving the park.

He also thought to leave since he don't want suffocate himself by staying there. He turned around to leave but a voice stopped him

"Am I hallucinating or it's really the Park Mochi ?" he said and it didn't took Jimin more time to get annoyed by the nickname.

"No you're not hallucinating kitty cat, it's really me " Jimin replied with sass in his voice and a smirk.

Now it was time for Yoongi to get annoyed

"How dare you called me that" he asked visibly annoyed "Called you what? " Jimin asked acting all innocent and clearly enjoying it.

"Don't act innocent with me shorty " yoongi replied, emphasising the word 'shorty'

Jimin had it enough, he was growing red from anger. He marched towards the older male and pointed his fingers towards him and angrily said "HOW DARE YOU CALL ME SHORTY WHEN YOU ARE JUST ONE INCH TALLER THAN ME, HUH?? "

Yoongi only chuckled at the younger male. He pinched his cheeks while showing his cute and famous gummy smile. "You look so cute when you are angry, mochi baby " he said still pinching his both cheeks.

Jimin's all anger washed away like it was never there, he was blushing very hard but Yoongi mistook it for anger.

Before anyone could say anything a waterdrop fell and then more droplets started falling soon it had started raining.

Jimin always hated rainfall as it would make the weather dull. He always liked sunny and bright weather. "We should leave from this park before we get drenched in rain " he said to the older but didn't got any response.

Yoongi on the contrast of the loved rain, he saw rain as a moment of enjoyment. He never liked sunny or warm weather, he always loved dull and windy weathers. "If you want to go then go, but I want to enjoy the first rain " he replied.

Jimin's brain wanted to leave the older there but his heart wanted the opposite. At the end his heart won. He held the hand of the elder and ran with him as fast as he could.

He ignored what the other male was saying. Soon he was in front of his house.

They stopped as soon they went under the shade of the main door.

"Why did you made me ran with you?" he asked while panting. "You know, I am an angel I can't see you getting drenched in rain and then getting sick. Your welcome " he replied.

Till one point yoongi was thankful to him because if he would've gotten sick then he had listen to good scoldings by his father but was he going to say it aloud? Nope!

"You can stay at my home till the rain stop " Jimin offered. "No thanks, but can I just borrow an umbrella? " he asked.

"C'mon yoongi look at you are drenched in rain from top to bottom. You should come inside, change into something dry and then should go. " Jimin suggested.

Yoongi didn't had any options so he accepted his offer and went inside with him.

As soon as they both entered the house, yoongi's jaw dropped. 'It is nothing Less than a big ass mansion' he thought.

He always knew that Jimin was rich but now he got to know that he was filthy rich

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He always knew that Jimin was rich but now he got to know that he was filthy rich.

"Eomma! EOMMA! " Jimin shouted

Chim what happ- OH MY GOD CHIM YOU ARE DRENCHED IN RAIN! " someone exclaimed. Yoongi turned to see the man who had just came. He saw a tall and handsome man in black shirt and pant coming downstairs.

"Hyung! Calm down, I am fine " Jimin assured the man

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"Hyung! Calm down, I am fine " Jimin assured the man. "Ok but who is this boy with you " he asked. "Oh he's Min Yoongi " Jimin replied but instantly regretted.

"Is he THAT Min Yoongi? " Seo Joon asked emphasising on 'that'

"Umm h-hyun-ng I-I do-don't know what you-you're talking about " he stuttered. Anyways Hyung as you can see we both are drenched in water, we are going to change, bye " he said and dragged yoongi with him.



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Park Seo Joon

Jimin's older brother. He see Tae and Hobi as his own brother. Loves his family. Heir of the Park Enterprises. Hates his cousin and try to keep Jimin away from him.

Age: 25
Friends: Namjoon and Jin


That's all for today's chapter. Please vote and comment if you liked.

Anneyeong 👋 👋 👋

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