Chapter 11

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Caution: This fic owner is whipped ass for Taehyung so the following are not only Jungkook's but my thoughts also 😁😁


Jungkook's POV

"Argh!!! Again it's wrong! " I groaned out of frustration. I have been trying to solve a maths sum on percentage for the past 10 minutes but has been failing continuously.

"Maybe starting with maths was a wrong idea " Taehyung said calmly.

I can't even understand how he manages to stay so calm. I have failing to to do the same sum again and again and he is just says that "try again, practice may help you " and that too so calmly. How??

"Jungkook are you listening to me? " the ravenette asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "Yes " I replied. "Good, as I was saying that starting with maths wasn't a good idea so how about we do another subject right now? " he proposed.

"ok " I replied boringly. "So which subject do you want to do? " he asked. "Anything " I replied.

"Jungkook, look here " I turned to look at him and god!! how handsome the older was looking.

His bang were looking so fluffy and were covering his forehead. His uneven eyelids were so beautiful and deep that I could drown in them forever. His facial structure was so perfect that anyone could mistook him for an anime character. His plum lips were so alluring that I want to kiss- "Jungkook what are you thinking? " he asked which snapped me out of my thoughts "oh! Umm n-nothing " I stuttered.

'GET A GRIP JEON JUNGKOOK!' I thought to myself.

"See, I know that you don't have any interest in studies or in this tutoring session but if you want to see your mom happy, as you said in the school, then you have concentrate on studies and give your best in this tutoring session and show some interest also. Understood? " he said. "Yes, I would try my best" I replied honestly.

"Good now tell me which subject do you want to study? " he asked again.

"I would like to do grammar " I reply after a moment. "OK then let's do grammar " the replied with a slight smile.

Time skip
Author's POV

It was almost 8:30 when Taehyung decided that he should go back.

"OK that's it for today, practice what I told you to do today. See you tomorrow. " he concluded his lesson with a slight smile. For the first time in life he understood and enjoyed studying. The way the older male taught him was much easier to understand than what the teachers taught in school.

"Bye and thanks again Taehyung " kookie said. "Bye and no need to say thanks " the older ravenette replied and left.

After a while Jungkook decided to take break, so he grabbed his phone opened it. He was scrolling through his facebook then suddenly he got a notification, he checked it. It was a picture of him and Tae from two years back.

Jeonkookie123 Posted

Enjoyed the amusement park! Thank you so much Hyung!

Enjoyed the amusement park! Thank you so much Hyung!

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301 likes 23 comments


Your welcome Jungkookie, and I enjoyed it as well 💜💚

You rabbit-like human, how could you leave your best friends alone!!! Now don't think I am going to let you copy my hw.

Oh my god Sooyeon! I didn't knew you were alive in this app

Shut up sleepy ass 😒

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Jungkook chuckled at how dramatic his best friends can be. He then stared at the pic, he still remember that day clearly, how could he even forget that day.

He kept his phone aside and laid back on the bad and closed his close his eyes while remembering that day.

2 years ago

"On the count of 3 open your eyes " a handsome ravenette said while covering the eyes of a boy, a bit younger than him. "Ok " the younger replied.

"3..2...1 SURPRISE!! " The older exclaimed.

"AMUSEMENT PARK??!! YAAAAYYY!!!" the younger exclaimed and ran towards the entrance.

"How was my surprise Jungkookie? " the older asked "AWESOME " The said male exclaimed "Thank you so much Taehyungie hyung " the boy named Jungkook said and hugged the older.

The older felt a weird feeling inside him. He felt his stomach doing some weird shit and though he doesn't know what is happening to him, he feels happy with the younger in his arms.

"It's a relief that you liked the surprise place for our outing " Tae said. "Of course hyung, amusement parks are my favorite places, it's a simple but effective place for a date "the younger rambled neither knowing what he said nor the effect of those words on the older.

"You know what kooki, I may had confidently said that I would take you to a place that you would love but you can't even imagine the amount of nervousness I was having because of the thought that you won't like a simple place like amusement park but when I saw the wide bunny smile on your face I thought that all my nervousness was worth it. " Tae told the younger.

"Hyung, if you are there then I would enjoy at the prison also, all I want is you hyung, and I would be happy " the younger ravenette said with sincerity in his eyes.

Taehyung can't explain the feeling that he feeling in his stomach. He gently caressed the younger's cheeks and placed a soft and warm kiss on his forehead "Thank you koo" he said in his deep voice which never fails to give butterflies to the younger.

"C'mon hyung let's go " Koo said and Tae nodded.


'what golden days they were ' Jungkook thought.


That's all for today's chapter. Hope you like it. Please vote and comment if you liked the chapter. Next chapter would some Yoonmin moments.

Anneyeong 👋 👋 👋

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