Part 1: Loba's Intentions Spoiled

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Loba's intentions were grand as you knew, but sometimes, they were....Harsh. But Loba wasn't keen on the idea of waiting for things to fall in place. Kai Carter, the newest support character has just won their first match of the day with Caustic and Octavia. Now they were in the shower room, washing off the day's exhausting stench.

Kai had no idea how they ended winning a game on their first try, but they embraced it. Though, this caught a certain person's eye....

Loba Andrade.

The thief had admired Kai from afar, watching them play in the Games, very pleased at how strong and smart they were on the battlefield. To her delight, she had watched the game of Kai winning their first match of the day.

Loba knew that she had feelings for the new legend, but never confirmed them to the newbie. Why would she just flat out tell the newbie that she had a crush on them or flirt with them like the other Legends? What was stopping her?

Loba knew the answer: This one....Was different, she talked to Kai a few times, knowing their story and their current reason for why they joined the games, but something else stood out to the thief.

Loba pondered over what it could be, then she figured it out: Their determination.

Loba knew for a fact that a person with a lot of determination are the most important in her life, that's why she refers to Anita.

Maybe, Kai can reassure her.

~Time-Skip: Loba's room, 2:30pm~

Loba sat at her Vanity, thoughts of wanting to talk to the newbie clouding her mind, she began to get anxious, causing her to stand up.

Maybe her approach would be too strong, after all her personality does seem to rub the Legends in some ways. Apart from her thinking of how she should approach the new Legends, she also wondered what type of skills they specifically possess while in a team, there was so much Loba wanted to know about this new Legend.

Loba sighed, admiring her appearance in her mirror. "Beleza~" She murmured, smiling as she looked in the mirror, her thoughts subsiding for now.

She was curious, very curious.

Pulling Her Closer (Loba Apex Fanfic) (2024)Where stories live. Discover now