Part 5: Her Anger Rises.

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The silver staff glistened in the burning sun, reflecting on Loba's eyes, the waves of hat winds blew across King's Canyon, but Loba was unfazed by this blistering heat. Faint gunshots were heard in the distance as Loba walked past a few death boxes that littered on the ground as she made her way towards Containment.

Both of her teammates, Bangalore (Anita) & Mirage (Elliot) had died at Water Treatment, due to a encounter with Caustic, Octane and Wraith, Loba barely escaped with a scratch of health and shields to hang onto.

Apart from her having to grab their banners, she had to dodge another squad, nearly falling off the map herself. But she pushes on, evading enemy pursuit and recharging her shields and gained full health. "Not too far from ring, not bad." She assured herself, running ahead, kicking up sand as she ran towards a building, tossing her bracelet above it, teleporting on top of it. "Wooh, high ground....." She murmured, smiling as she reloaded her Kraber, aiming it ahead of her, seeing a Bloodhound running by themselves not too far from her position.

Pulling the trigger, the bullet hit the Bloodhound in their side, knocking them. "Target down....Now for the others~" She told herself, looking through her scope again, seeing Ash, noticing she was reviving Bloodhound. Loba only smiles, pulling the trigger, another bullet hitting Ash in the arm, causing Ash to instantly died, along with Bloodhound.

"Now, let's see what treasures they left behind~"

Pulling Her Closer (Loba Apex Fanfic) (2024)Where stories live. Discover now