Part 8: Locked In

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Loba looked at me with her golden eyes, the feeling of sheer nervousness hit my body as soon as we made contact from across the bar. Her tight, black dress was screaming to be ripped off her body as her breasts were exposed, she knew it would draw attention to her, and it worked. Her focus was on me only, she ignored all of the men's advances, her attention fully on me.

Once she walked over to me, I knew it was over.

“Why the hell are you sitting here alone?" She questioned, I only opened my mouth only to have Loba's lips slip over mine. Before I could even respond, she already planned her move on me.

As soon as she pulls away, I grabbed the collar of her dress, pulling her back to me, kissing her just for the fun of it, to tease her back. Turns out, she let me enjoy the moment of her weakness.

After I pulled away, Loba only glanced at me, her golden eyes undressing me, so glad I wore red, it caught her eye, as always. "Your angry, I can tell..." She quipped, I only looked at her, tilting my head to the left, trying to confuse her thoughts.

"That trick is old, Carter." She told me, my brown eyes widen as she said my last name. She never said my last name unless she was teasing me back, flirting as well.

She wants to play that game, huh?

Picking up my drink, I took a sip, nearly gagging at the taste of the raw vodka I had ordered, trying to remain calm in front of the thief.

"You seem to be.... Breaking~" She whispered, catching me off guard.

Wait, what?

Pulling Her Closer (Loba Apex Fanfic) (2024)Where stories live. Discover now