Part 4: Her biggest Fan.

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You hadn't heard of Loba Andrade until you started watching the Apex Games, you and your friends had recently got into the Apex Games events after Loba joined. Ever since then, that's all you ever talked about, Loba Andrade this, Loba that, it's gotten to the point where your friends just stopped hanging out with you completely.

You didn't mind though, you were too obsessed with the thief to even acknowledge that.

But one day, that all changed.

~Time-Skip: May 14th, Friday, 9pm~

You had gotten invited to watch a live Apex Game with one of your co workers, they knew how much you loved the Apex Games, so they invited you. Though you couldn't keep yourself calm when the Legends were announced and walked out into the ring. The sky was bright, and the breeze was perfect, the Legends were all hyped for today's game, as well as the crowd.

Once you spotted Loba, your cheers got louder. You had gotten seats in the VIP section, so you were closer to the action, so that gave you a clearer look at the thief. She was teamed with Bangalore and Caustic, which in your opinion was a leveled team.

The match started off smoothly, with Loba's squad quickly climbing up the charts. Loba had most of the team's kills, and you were rooting for her with every single kill, knock or assist she got. Once it was declared there were only 2 remaining squads, you secretly wished Loba's team would win. And sure enough, Loba's team was declared the champions, which you screamed in happiness.

All while this was happening, Loba had noticed you in the crowd, smiling as you rejoiced in each kill, assist and knock she got.

After the match, she had met with some fans, with you being one of them. She could tell that you were so happy to meet her, it was nice to meet fans, but you were different and she liked that you were eager.

She was happy to meet a fan.

A big fan.

Pulling Her Closer (Loba Apex Fanfic) (2024)Where stories live. Discover now