Part 3: Darling~

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"Hey, darling....Can you please hand me my staff?~" Loba asked you, her golden eyes scanning yours as she stood in the bathroom, wearing her favorite black, thin dress, her braids brushing down her shoulders. You grabbed her staff from the bed, walking over the bathroom door, carefully handing it to your girlfriend, who gave you a smile.

You don't really recall HOW exactly you introduced yourself to Loba but you do remember how SHE introduced herself to you. Loba always managed to catch you off guard, so when she proposed the idea of a mall run the day you met her, you realize her advances were hard to resist, she spoiled you that whole day with lavish gifts and also a lovely dinner.

Now here you are, accompanying her to a gala, a very lavish and formal one. Loba had a eye for the finer things in life, so you had to be prepared to jump on the ride with her. "You okay, darling?~" She questioned, scanning you as she grabbed her staff, placing it on her staff holder on the left side of her hip. Blushing, you only nodded at her, the nicknames she gave you, jeez you melted every time.

Loba only smiles at you, her golden eyes looking into yours as she walked out the bathroom. You only backed up slowly as she grabbed her bracelet off the small, grey dresser beside the door. "Come on, love~" She murmured, grabbing your hand softly with hers, leading you out her room and out into the hallway and finally outside.

Loba only pulled you close to her, kissing you on the jaw, whispering: "You look gorgeous, darling~"

Again, you blushed.

Oh, how she loved to get under your skin...

Pulling Her Closer (Loba Apex Fanfic) (2024)Where stories live. Discover now