Part 2: Not As Awkward

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~(Time - Skip: Apex HQ)~

Loba had barely slept last night, knowing that the new Legend was the cause of it. She wouldn't admit it, but she was nervous to even approach them. Standing in her doorway, she yawned, trying to fight the drowsiness she felt. Hearing Ajay's voice down the hallway, her golden honey like eyes followed, seeing the new Legend talking to Ajay, who was accompanied with Dr.Nox as well.

Her eyes wandered shamelessly over the new Legend, she noticed their clothing, not too much going on, they loved wearing T-shirts with gym shorts or sometimes sweats occasionally. Their hair was short yet curly, it was light brown, like the color of the sand on the beach. Their bright green eyes flashed with kindness and a bit of mischief. Their short, yet athletic figure was well toned, their broad shoulders seemingly to be the most strength, their long arms well toned as well as their short legs. Lastly, their light brown skin glowed in the light a little. Loba cleared her throat then walked down the hallway towards Ajay and the new Legend, Dr. Nox had left, claiming he had unfinished projects to attend to.

When it came to the other Legends, Loba made it her mission to welcome every new Legend with love, even if it means to flirt.

Ajay left, which left both Loba and the newbie, Loba was feeling calm, she didn't know why, but she wanted to keep it that way.

But, before she could say anything, Kai struck the first word, their Midland American English accent echoing around them: "So, your Loba Andrade. The thief of the Outlands...."

Loba raises a brow, shocked at how well they pronounced her name, it rolled off their tongue like honey. Loba only nods, the words that she wanted to say stuck in her throat.

After a little while, Loba finally spoke: "Yeah, I'm flattered you knew that....Tell me, where did you hear about me?" Loba eyebrows furrowed a little as Kai looked back at her, their face turning red slightly.

Loba only looked at Kai, smiling as the new Legend just blushes at her.

Loba was actually enjoying seeing them flustered.

"I actually watched you in the Games before I joined...." Kai confessed, their voice trailing off.

Loba only widens her eyes, surprised at what she just heard, she has a fan?!

Loba only smiles, looking at Kai, stating:

"So, I have a fan? Interesting~"

This only made Kai blush even more.

Loba only smiles as Kai hurriedly excuses themselves, walking down the hallway and into the lobby.

Something about them made Loba calm.

But what was it?

Pulling Her Closer (Loba Apex Fanfic) (2024)Where stories live. Discover now