Part 7: Sneaked.

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Loba was pretty sure you had your suspicions about the heist from yesterday, though she knew that this would be risky to share, especially given the fact that some of the Legends she worked with caused her plan to get shattered when Revenant turned on them, killing Daurdo in the process.

So, yes, Loba was weary of telling you, she had a hunch that you might tell Ajay. But, she kept that to herself.

Now the two of you were in the gym, with you working on arms and legs, Loba however admired you from afar, her golden eyes scanned your arms, a smirk forming on her face.

You weren't aware that she was watching and just continued your bar pull ups, your face red with heat as you silently pulled yourself up.

Loba however, was recording you on her phone, unbeknownst to you of course. She admired how well your form was, the strength of your arms and the determination you had. Loba sat in a black chair not too far behind you, she noticed the clothes you wore.

A tight black sports bra with match black leggings, your hair up in a messy bun, it only made Loba more excited. You slowly let go of the bar, falling on the ground on your feet, sweat dripping off your chin and onto the black mat below you.

You sighed, grabbing the small white towel on the small bench beside you, sitting down and wiping your face. Loba only stopped recording, placed her phone on her pocket and walked over to you, placing her hands on your now tense shoulders. She only smirked as she heard you give a sigh of relief. "You really are tense, babe~" She told you, massaging your shoulders, making you lean the back of your head against Loba's stomach, making her chuckle at your reaction.

"Thanks Lo, that feels so good..." You muttered, only to shut your eyes as Loba gave you a small kiss on your forehead. "Aww, your tired....You deserve a nice bath and a lovely dinner~" She murmured, a small chuckle rising from her, making you smile.

"That would nice, babe~" You add, Loba only nods, smiling at you.

Oh, she couldn't wait to spoil you~

Pulling Her Closer (Loba Apex Fanfic) (2024)Where stories live. Discover now