Part 6: Down The Drain

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Loba had a suggestion, one that you found intriguing, she had asked if you could accompany her with one of her heists. Of course, without any hesitation, you accepted her offer, not really knowing what your getting yourself into. Apparently, you were glad her heist was at midnight, which was the 'best time' as Loba has worded it.

The building you noticed that Loba had picked was a Hammond Labs building, one of the many Labs in the Outlands. One thought popped up in your head:

'Even with Daurdo dead and Revenant on a rampage with his army, what was she after here?'

Loba had asked you to be her lookout, not wanting any attention on her. You noticed that she wasn't the same after the events 2 months ago. You noticed that she had kept her distance from Valkyrie the most, you don't blame her though for all the things she's been through.

But you also wondered why she was so open to you even after all the events. Maybe, she had sensed something in you that she knew she needed. You recalled Anita telling you that Loba has had a rough year and she needed the support, to which you provided for her.

"Loba, what exactly are we looking for?" You asked, clutching your R-99 closely to your chest, your eyes scanning the entrance. Sweat clung to your chin as your anxiety peaked, the feeling of uneasiness waved over you.

Loba pulls away from the computer, swiping the small red chip she had brought. "Something tells me that the DEMONIO has a friend..." She told you, you only look at Loba, raising a brow.

"Your saying that he's teaming up with someone?" You question, watching as she walked beside you. Her golden eyes harden for a second, you could tell she was thinking, but then her eyes soften back up as she responded:

"We have time.....But not much..."

Before you could question what she was saying, she grabbed your arm, tossing her bracelet outside the entrance, teleporting the 2 of you in front of the Trident you had arrived in. Once you both got in the Trident, you pressed the gas, driving back to HQ, Loba however was silent.

You wanted to question her but you knew she wouldn't answer right away, so you keep quiet.

You stopped the Trident outside of HQ, watching as Loba hopped out, waiting for you to get out as well.

Once you do, she opened the entrance doors, letting you in, a smile plastered on her face as you walked past.

Loba only quickly frowned, looking at the chip in her hand, her anger rising.

What was this 'Project X'?

Pulling Her Closer (Loba Apex Fanfic) (2024)Where stories live. Discover now