Chapter 10 - Lost in thought

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Sweeping was all that could be heard in the Ashdown territory thar day.

Dust scattered across the floor as if they were little migrant workers rushing towards their next destination. In this case: the bin.

It could have been imagined that Elizabeth's day was currently extremely tiresome. However, the hours seemed to pass quickly as her thoughts had been invaded by Harry and William.

"I never thought Harry was such a dick!" Muttered Elizabeth to herself. Thankfully for her no one was around. If anyone had heard her swear then she would certainly be severely punished! After all, it was completely unacceptable for a respectable young lady to use such obscene language.

Suddenly she pictured Harry and his dreamy chrysotile eyes. They stared and her beginning to pierce her soul like a double edged sword.

Then she pictured William and his cheeky smile. She began to shake her head in horror. She never wanted to think about him. However her thoughts began to betray her conscience as she pictured how kind William was just hours ago.

Her mind drifted back to when their faces were inches apart then Mrs Ashdown ruined the moment by storming in.

What would have been... Elizabeth wondered.

However her thoughts were soon disrupted as a door swung open.

"What are you doing you silly girl? Lost in your own thoughts? Not doing your work? I see... I see. You'll be out soon. If you don't behave, child!" Exclaimed a stern, harsh voice.

Elizabeth shook out of fear.

"You were daydreaming weren't you? What were you thinking about? Tell me or you're out!"

Authors note: I'm up to chapter 10, yayy!!! So as you can tell Elizabeth is always lost in thought. Would she dare to tell anyone what she is thinking about? Would you?

If you're reading this story please tell me what you think so far. I would love some feedback.

Oh and the updates are coming really quickly as you have probably gathered. That's the joy of study leave for you. :p
-Rebecca xx

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