Question About the Future of This Story

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So it has been quite some time since I last touched this story in a few years, the primary reason for this was unfortunately I created this story earlier in my time taking up this hobby. My basic idea was rather simple, to simple in fact to the point where I didn't have much traction with it. I desperately tried to link this to other stories and find unique ways to continue it, however each of these fell through. So what exactly does this mean exactly? Does this mean I am officially done with Helltaker? Hell no! I still wanna work with everyone's favorite Demon Girls, so what exactly is the solution to this issue?

I am proposing a rewrite, I will not delete this version, merely discontinue it. However this is primarily up to all of you, now what exactly would the plans be for this proposed Rewrite? To start I want it to have more of a plot, something to focus on, of course the Demon Girls will still be the protagonist's harem, but the protagonist himself will definitely have a larger link to the supernatural, potentially having powers of his own. Another aspect is some fan creation characters will make appearances as well such as Baphomet, the Demon Girls from the Second Circle Fan Game, etc.

Now aside from merely wanting to know whether or not all of you would like to see this rewrite/redo of my Helltaker story. The other major question I have for all of you is would you want it to be a crossover with another series? This other series could be where the Protagonist's abilities come from. I'm asking as while I do have an idea or two, I wish to hear all of your inputs. Basically I don't know when I'll start up this rewrite if all of you wish to see it. However if any of you wish to give me potential ideas to think about that is completely welcome! I do apologize that I didn't make it further with this original idea, however I hope all of you understand that as I've improved as a writer it has become harder to return to my older ideas. As always leave your thoughts and opinions in the comments! Thank you all for your continued support!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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