Chapter 1

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Who would agree that life is a journey filled with mixed emotions? In our every moment life defines us in various ways, moments we sometime long to go back and cherish forever. Our story begins in Toronto, Isabella is on the subway train as she remembers a memory of herself with a younger boy happily at the arcade. She takes a deep breath before leaving the station and slowly walking still wondering, 'the happy memory hide the pain and sadness... I can still remember the day you left me.' She heads to the nearest bookstore and picks up a reservation before heading to the park and sitting on her favourite bench to read thinking, 'everybody might think I am some kind of book nerd, but the happy endings give me hope that one day we will reunite.' A few hours later her phone rings as she at once gets up and heads over to Moonshine Café to begin her shift; she changes into her uniform as customers begin to enter and order. A few hours later things have calmed down as a young girl comes over asking, "can I get a pistachio semi-skimmed foam latte please? my name is Alexis." Isabella smiles and replies in a friendly tone, "coming right up." Isabella prepares the order while the young girl waits before she soon says, "order for Alexis." Alexis says, "thank you so much." Isabella says, "I have also packed a slice of white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake." Alexis was surprised as she looked into her bag saying, "I did not order this? I should give you something else a bit of extra money." Isabella shakes her head saying, "don't worry about it, it's on the house." Alexis says, "bless you and have a great day." As she left the café Isabella turned to grab herself a drink before someone entered saying, "I think you are forgetting something." Isabella turned around to see a young guy looking at her saying, "you know what time is it? the time of day where you give your best friend his free mocha latte and of course my sweet watermelon cupcake." 

Isabella giggled before preparing it thinking, 'of course it had to be Cameron Jones.' As Isabelle finished preparing the mocha latte and decorating the cupcake Cameron looked at her with a smile asking, "have I ever told you that you are my most favourite person in the entire world?." Isabella replies, "you don't want Hailey to hear you say that Cam."  Cameron rolls his eyes saying, "please don't remind me of the last time I did that, Hailey went berserk and threatened to tell our mom my deep and darkest secrets, what kind of ridiculous sibling does that?." Isabella laughs replying, "well I guess that is her way of wanting to stay your favourite person forever." Cameron says, "yeah and that's why you replaced her." As Cameron is about to take a sip of the mocha latte Isabella stops him saying, "wait a second, I thought I would try something new so tell me if you like this new flavour." Cameron drinks it as he smiles saying, "wow this is delicious, am I sensing nutmeg? keep making lattes like this and you will not have to become a cab driver for sure." Isabella thanks him for the compliment as Cameron asks, "are you coming with me and Hailey tonight to the cinema?." Isabella looked at Cameron thinking, 'oh god why does he have to ask me this? I love spending time with them but not being reminded of him.. he's my past, why do I still feel afraid? I can do this!.' Isabella closed her eyes for a moment before soon opening them and answered, "of course I will Cam, I can't wait, what time does the film begin?." 

Cameron replies, "it will start at 7:30PM, now if you will excuse me I need to go collect my prize money from Hailey for winning the bet". Isabella looked stunned asking, "what bet?!." Cameron took his watermelon cupcake and mocha latte replying, "don't ask" before leaving. Isabella looks around and begins to clean up and finish her task before the end of her shift. Later that afternoon Isabella came in carrying the groceries to find Hailey in the kitchen cooking. Before Isabella could put the shopping down someone jumped onto the table giving her a little spook. Hailey said, "you're home early, Isa." Isabella says, "I figured I would get off early today, do some shopping." Hailey picked up the cat saying, "truffles how many times have I told you not to spook Isabella like that?!." Truffles purred and miaowed as Hailey placed him in the living room before heading to the kitchen to see Isabella putting the shopping away. Hailey almost finished preparing her casserole as Isabella asked, "do you need a hand with anything, Hails?." Hailey shook her head replying, "nope, I got it, actually have a taste of this." Hailey pours some casserole in a bowl and hands it to Isabella saying, "mmm, this smells scrumptious." 

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