Chapter 16

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Isabella giggles saying, "I appreciate it, but I think I will stay here and catch up on some assignments that are due right after the break". Hailey says, "ok, but if you change your mind let us know". A few weeks later and thanksgiving was approaching as Isabella was in the college library working on her coursework when Aiden approached her saying, "hey Isabella". Isabella saved her work as she says, "hey Aiden, would you like to grab some coffee?". Aiden replies, "that sounds lovely". Soon in the canteen Isabella and Aiden chatted as he says, "well thanksgiving is coming up this weekend and I was wondering what your plan was". Isabella replies, "well I was thinking of spending it with my mom, but she told me she would be away on a business trip, and you know I have not seen my dad since I was a kid, I will spend it with Truffles". Aiden asks, "who's Truffles?". Isabella answers, "my cat". Aiden laughs as Isabella asks, "what's funny? He's adorable". Isabella shows Aiden a picture of her cat as Aiden says, "he's a cutie, you should bring him with you." Isabella asks, "what are your plans?." Aiden replies, "my sister and her boyfriend decided to rent a place to celebrate Thanksgiving so I will be there with them." Isabella says, "that sounds like it's going to be fun." 

Aiden says, "yep but as I was saying it will be even more fun if you and Truffles join us." Isabella giggles before looking at Aiden with a questioning look asking, "is this your way of asking me to join you?." Aiden nods replying, "what's your reply?." Isabella says, "I would love to go, I cannot wait to eat the turkey." Aiden smiles saying, "I am so happy you agreed to come, fair warning about the turkey, my sister might burn it." Isabella says, "I am sure it will come out good." Aiden says, "we will just have to wait and see." Isabella says, "I guess so." They spent the rest of the afternoon talking as later that evening Isabella played with Truffles before grabbing her favourite book and thinking about Thanksgiving weekend, but she said, "Truffles being a student is hard work, but it will all be worth it in the end." Truffles purred and curled himself into a ball as Isabella bent down and kisses his forehead. Finally, the weekend arrived as Hailey and Cameron visited Isabella to wish her for Thanksgiving; Isabella handed a box over to Cameron saying, "say hello to your parents from me and please don't eat all these mini cheesecakes in the car." Hailey asks, "why couldn't you give them to me?." Cameron replies, "she trusts me more, fatty." Hailey says, "get your butt here, Cam!." They soon headed out as Isabella puts Truffles in his cat carrier and gets ready before texting Aiden who is waiting for her downstair. Aiden say, "you look pretty." Isabella says, "thanks so where's your car?." Aiden opens the door as she puts Truffle in and gets in whilst Aiden sits in the front with Jennifer driving. Jennifer says, "it's nice to see you again, Isabella." Isabella says, "it's lovely to see you again too, it has been so long since I have seen you." Jennifer says, "It has, why don't you tell me what you have been up to? I am sure you have been busy with your studies." 

Aiden says, "please don't make her feel uncomfortable, Jen." Jennifer says, "we are just catching up, Aiden." Isabella says, "It's fine." The rest of the drive goes fast as they soon arrive at the cabin where Nathan has been busy setting up the table decorations as Isabella comes out of the car holding Truffles. Jennifer kisses Nathan as Aiden says, "Isabella, meet Nathan my sister boyfriend." Nathan says, "call me Nate, it's nice to meet you and we are so glad you could make it." Isabella says, "I'm Isabella and this is Mr Truffles, thank you for the invitation." Jennifer says, "let's head inside." As Jennifer is preparing the feast in the kitchen Nathan and Aiden play with Truffles who enjoys their company. Isabella goes into the kitchen to see Jennifer preparing the cheesecake as Isabella asks, "can I give you a hand?." Jennifer replies, "that's ok sweetie, I have got this." Soon everyone is gathered around the table which has a massive turkey along with sides as Isabella sees Truffles eating and looks at Jennifer who says, "don't worry, I have given your cat a special meal." Everyone digs in and enjoys the food as Isabella says, "this is delicious." Aiden says, "surprisingly it is." Jennifer looked at Aiden asking, "what is that supposed to mean, bro?." Aiden replies, "I thought you were going to burn the turkey, sis." Nathan says, "I am glad you are enjoying the meal, one of my family traditions for Thanksgiving is for everyone to say what they are grateful for" .  

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