Chapter 19

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Aiden looks at Isabella with a sincere look in his eyes saying, "ever since we were kids- I've always loved you, Isa". Isabella is speechless as she says, "it's getting late, I should get going". She walked out and immediately headed home as she laid on the bed thinking about the moment when Aiden confessed his feelings for her as she felt restless and headed to the terrace thinking, 'I've always dreamed of this moment but why am I feeling like this?'. Over the next few weeks Isabella threw herself into her studies preparing for the finals however it was hard having to keep focus when she thought of Aiden. Soon one afternoon in the library Isabella was too focused in looking for a book in the shelves as Cameron and Hailey stood a few metres behind looking at her. Cameron asks, "how long do you think until she notices us?". Hailey replies, "let's find out! ISABELLA!". Valerie says, "I don't think you should be yelling in a library". Everyone looked at them as Isabella turned surprised to see her best friends asking, "guys, how did you find me and why on earth are you screaming in the library?". Valerie answers, "I kind of told them where you were". Cameron says, "we need to talk to you, Isabella". Hailey replies, "Cam's right and you were not at your usual spot". Isabella says, "mobile phones exists for a reason, Hails". Cameron says, "but it is more fun to find you this way". Hailey says, "it's like playing hide and seek". Isabella rolls her eyes saying, "what did you guys want to talk to me about?". Cameron answers, "someone is throwing a bonfire to celebrate the end of the semester". Hailey says, "we should go". Isabella says, "I can't I am busy studying for the finals". 

Hailey says, "you have been studying too hard, girl". Cameron says, "yeah you owe yourself a break". Isabella thought for a moment before replying, "I won't make any promises, I will have a think about it". Hailey says, "don't think about it, girl". Cameron says, "just say yes". Isabella sighs saying, "fine, I will go but now I need to get back to my studies". She turns and grabs the book and heads over to the desk whilst Cameron says, "DON'T STUDY TOO HARD!". Everyone stares at him as the librarian comes over saying, "all of you have been causing a nuisance, please leave at once". Hailey says, "save your energy for the bonfire, bro". Meanwhile Aiden was hanging out with Liam as he says, "I am so glad that exam is over with". Liam says, "same bro, I am happy to be finally finished with that class". Aiden agrees as Liam says, "I heard that there's going to be a bonfire to celebrate the end of the semester, are you going?". Aiden answered, "well this is the first time I am hearing of this but after taking that final, I think it would be an excellent idea to go... I could use a day of fun". Liam says, "well I guess we will have some fun this weekend". Aiden says, "just have to study for the other exams first". Liam says, "and there goes our brief moment of not thinking about finals". 

Aiden says, "oops, sorry dude". They both head home as later that evening Aiden was studying and trying to focus for his other exams however, he could not stop thinking about Isabella thinking, 'she's been so distance with me since I confessed to her a few weeks back'. He sighs placing his textbook down as Jennifer knocks on his door carrying a bowl of fruits asking, "how's the studying going, bro?". Aiden sighs as she comes in as Jennifer notices that her brother is going through something as she places the bowl down saying, "Aiden, you know I am always here for you, if you want to talk about what's on your mind, I will always listen". Aiden says, "I cannot focus because I keep thinking it is my fault that Isabella is keeping her distance from me". Jennifer says, "she is probably busy studying for the finals like you". Aiden says, "honestly I feel that she's distracting herself from me because I told her that I loved her, I'm afraid I ruined our friendship because of it... I should have never told her how I felt then thing would not be so awkward between us". Jennifer says, "I don't think that would ruin your friendship, I think you two need to have a talk when you're not busy studying". Aiden felt a little better after hearing his sister's word of encouragement just as Nathan knocked on the door saying, "hey sweetheart, are you ready for movie night?". Nathan notices Jennifer and Aiden having a sibling moment and apologises for disturbing as Aiden says, "dude you are not bothering us, we were just having a chat, but I need to get back to studying". Jennifer says, "take it easy, bro". As she is about to go out Jennifer asks, "why don't you join me and Nate for movie night? I am sure you could use a break from studying".

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