Chapter 11

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Aiden says, "I hope so, thanks sis." Aiden looks at the clock grabbing his phone and keys before heading out. As he came to the park and stared at the pond thinking, 'I am ready to tell Isa the reason why I left, she might leave or hate me, but I will do everything in my power to stop her feeling like it's her fault.' He takes a deep breath as a figure comes from behind calling, "Aiden." Aiden turns and sees Isabella approaching him as he says, "hey Isa," she says, "hey Addie." Aiden says, "I want to tell you why I left without saying goodbye." Isabella says, "I want to tell you what I was going through during our friendship as kids." Aiden sighs saying, "although I don't like to bring up the past, I feel like we need closure." Isabella nods saying, "it's best for both of us." As Isabella and Aiden stared at each other a moment of silence lingered between the both of them as neither of them were ready to reveal the truth as they both felt the truth had caused them to lose years of their friendship, the thought that it could happen again, scared them however deep down they both knew they had to do this. As they both take a deep breath Aiden breaks the silence saying, "I will go first, the reason I left was because my dad received a job offer in another state, he had to accept it because my mom was battling with cancer at the time, my sister Jennifer and I did not know about our mom's illness as our parents never thought to tell us, they both believed that mom would be a fighter and survive however after a few months of moving, her cancer progressed quickly and the doctor estimated she only had a few weeks to live, a week after the doctor told us, she passed away". 

Isabella looked at Aiden with shock and sadness in her eyes saying, "I am so sorry Aiden for your loss." Aiden's eyes drip with heavy tears as Isabella comes over and embraces him warmly saying, "I'm very sorry that you had to go through this alone, I wish I could have been there for you." Aiden holds her and rests his head on her shoulder saying, "you are here for me now, Isa... after my mom died but my dad spiralled out of control turning to drugs and alcohol, this got so bad that he ended up losing his job; my sister had to take a on a job in order to look after us however after years of dealing with everything, she had enough and moved to Toronto, she did ask for me to move in with her but I could not leave our dad in that state, I tried my best to help him overcome his grief but soon it became too much and I decided to come and live with Jen in Toronto". Isabella thinks, 'oh my god, I can't believe that Aiden had to endure so much, losing his mom and dealing with his dad's drug and alcohol, I wish I could have been by his side just like he was there for me in my time of need.' Aiden says, "I am sorry that I never contacted you during that time, I was going through so much and I couldn't deal with anything else, please don't feel bad Isabella... I wanted to tell you reason why I left because you deserved to know, just don't hate me." Isabella took Aiden's hand saying, "I don't hate you Addie and please don't be sorry for never contacting me, you were going through the most difficult time of your life." 

Aiden gives her a faint smile as she takes a deep breath saying, "I guess it's my turn, during our friendship my parents were going through a divorce, both constantly argued all the time and it made me feel like I had to choose a side but being with you, none of that ever crossed my mind." Aiden apologises saying, "I wish you could have told me, Isa but I can understand why you did not as it is very personal." Isabella wipes a tear from her eye as she looked at Aiden with a faint smile asking, "do you hate me, Addie?." Aiden shakes his head replying, "no, I could never hate you, Isa, in fact I am so glad we finally told each other everything." Isabella says, "me too Addie, I am ready for us to be close again like we were as kids, do you think that we could go back to that?." Aiden says, "I don't think we can." Isabella looked shocked saying, "you d-don't?." Aiden smiled answering, "our friendship will be even better than before." Isabella smiles at Aiden before asking, "will you lay on the grass with me like we did when we were kids?."

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