Chapter 2

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As Isabella enjoyed the casserole; Hailey said, "I am glad you are off early, you have been working so hard lately". Isabella says, "well I need the extra money, so it's not too bad...perhaps I can buy myself a new laptop or even a bike". Hailey asks, "so will you be joining me and Cameron tonight for the cinema?". Isabella rubbed her arm nervously replying, "Cam asked me earlier and I told him yes but honestly I would rather stay at home". Hailey said, "you don't have to join us if you don't want to Isa, but it would mean a lot to us if you could come, it would take your mind off things like college and work". Isabella takes a deep breath saying, "maybe you are right, Hailey". Hailey boasts a little as Isabella rolls her eyes before saying, "see you in a few hours, girl". Hailey left as Isabella turned to truffles saying, "you always spook me, truffles".Truffles looked at Isabella with a sad look as Isabella picked him and gave him a cuddle and a little treat; she soon went over to the bookshelf and picked out, 'Unconditional Love'. As the evening approached Isabella got herself ready and soon came to the cinema to see Cameron and Hailey arguing as Cameron had a firm serious look on his face saying, "don't even think about doing it, Hailey". 

Hailey dashed madly to the counter and paid for three tickets for the movie 'Anyone But You'. As she comes back Isabella asked, "what movie did you choose, Hails?". Hailey whispered something into Isabella's ear as Cameron was annoyed saying, "ugh,I can't believe this, it was clearly my turn to choose the film and you completely ignored me, you're too evil". Hailey says, "I am just trying to get you to realise your love for romcoms, bro". Cameron rolled his eyes as he said, "atleast I get to choose the snacks".He ordered a large popcorn, hotdog, and churros before they soon headed into the screening room where the movie began to play. As they soon sat down and began to watch the movie Hailey stared at her brother who's first reaction was unbothered however he slowly began to smile and laugh whilst Isabella was watching the movie and eating the popcorn; she noticed Hailey staring at her brother before asking, "Hails, why are you not watching the movie?". Hailey replies, "I told you he loves romcom movies". Isabella noticed Cameron's expression saying, "he seems to be enjoying the movie more than us". Hailey smile with a smirk saying, "so true, girl". A young woman heard them talking as she angrily thought, 'ugh I can't believe that these two idiots are having a conversation during the movie'. She gets up and turns around asking, "do you mind?! some of us are trying to watch the movie". Cameron says, "finally someone said it, be quiet and let us enjoy the movie in peace". Hailey rolls her eyes as she begins to eat the churros while Isabella was left in deep thoughts wondering, 'I should be enjoying myself, but I can't help think of him, this was something we used to do, I just miss him so much..'. The next day Isabella was finishing reading a book at the college library when her classmate Valerie came over saying, "there you are, it's funny how I knew you would be in here". 

Isabella says,"I was just catching up with some reading before class". Valerie says, "I am surprised you didn't do it last night as you normally do". Isabella says, "my friends wanted me to go to the cinema with them last night, so I did not have the time, I also wanted to finish reading a book that was not a textbook". Valerie giggles before saying, "we should probably get going to class before we get locked out like last time". Isabella gets up as they leave as they make it and the teacher comes in saying, "ok everyone settle down, Good afternoon class we will be continuing our lecture from last week". As the lecturer started the lesson Isabella was focused thinking, 'college is a fantastic experience in which you learn something new everyday however at times it can be stressful managing my job too, but I am not a quitter'. A few hours later after class Isabella met up with Hailey and Cameron at the diner as they enjoyed milkshakes and waffles. Hailey asks, "are you still mad at me that I picked the movie, Cam?". Cameron rolled his eyes saying, "hmph". Hailey said in a cute voice, "aw, you may be angry with me, but I am still your favourite person". Cameron laughed at Hailey who soon said in a serious tone, "what the hell is so funny?". Cameron replied, "that you think you are still my favourite person". Hailey asks, "so if I am not your favourite person, then who is it?". Isabella nervously replied, "um, h-he told me it was me". Hailey was stunned saying, "Cam, I am your sister". Cameron said in a firm tone, "you might be my sister, but she is my favourite person now". Hailey rolls her eyes saying, "pff, she cannot be your favourite person because she is my best friend". Cameron said annoyed, "ugh I met her first and she is my best friend". Hailey said, "that is not true!". Cameron says, "yes it is!". They soon began to argue with their waffles and making a mess whilst Isabella watched them thinking, 'they are just like Tom and Jerry, always arguing with each other... having two best friends that are sibling is fun and there's never a dull moment with them'

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