Chapter 18

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Isabella says, "I know, I am going to take my break now." Hailey says, "ok," later that night Aiden was in his room with his headphone writing a song for Isabella as he says, "I need it to be heartfelt but also perfect for Isa." He grabbed his guitar and began to strum the melody as Jennifer came upstairs holding a glass of hot cocoa saying, "hey superstar." Aiden removes his headphone and puts his guitar down saying, "hey sis." Jennifer says, "I came to see how the song was coming along, but I can see it's going well." Aiden smiles and thanks her before taking the hot cocoa saying, "I want to make sure it's perfect for her." Jennifer says, "it already is, and I know she will love it." Aiden asks, "do you really think so?." Jennifer nods replying, "I will leave you to it." Aiden drank the hot cocoa before putting back his headphone and grabbing his guitar to practise more. Elsewhere Isabella was tossing in her bed every corner as she thought, 'ever since I got that text from Addie, my mind has been playing various scenarios, I am so worried I can't even sleep.' She grabs her phone and heads to the terrace looking at Hailey's number and remembering her friend's word. Isabella took a deep breath before dialling Hailey's number. Hailey groaned saying, "ugh girl it's 3am, what are you doing up?". Isabella replies, "I could not sleep, sorry to have bothered you." Hailey gets up asking, "hold on, do you want to talk about it?." Isabella replies, "yes but only if you are able to." Hailey says, "I'm always there for you 24/7, so what is troubling you?". Isabella answers, "you remember at the café yesterday well Aiden sent me a text message saying he wanted to talk to me." 

Hailey says, "I don't see the problem there." Isabella sighs saying, "what if he tells me that he is leaving again like when we were kids?." Hailey says, "that is not going to happen." Isabella was not sure asking, "how do you know that?." Hailey answers, "do you honestly think he would leave you again?." Isabella replies, " don't know." Hailey says, "I understand that you have doubts, but I do not think Aiden would leave you again especially now that he found you, I have no idea what he wants to talk to you about, but I am sure that it is nothing bad." Isabella takes a deep breath saying, "perhaps you are right, I am probably overreacting." Hailey says, "that's better, well it's late and I am going to head back to bed, goodnight girl." Isabella says, "night, Hails." She hangs up the phone and soon heads back to bed. A few days later Isabella was feeling nervous about meeting Aiden up as she got herself ready thinking, 'I hope it's nothing bad as I am thinking because I cannot go through the pain of losing him again.' Isabella kissed Truffles before heading out to the park as Aiden was waiting for her by the bench; as the best friends stood in silence, uncertainty between them was growing. Aiden was nervous at the thought of Isabella running away from him again whilst Isabella was scared that Aiden would tell her that he was leaving her once more; the only way to get rid of any doubts was to tell the truth. Aiden took a deep breath saying, "you go first," Isa." 

Isabella says, "it's ok, you go first Addie." Aiden says, "I know my text message might have seemed so sudden, but I really needed to talk to you." Isabella asks, "you are not planning on leaving me, right?." Aiden was stunned answering, "what?! I would never leave you again." Isabella says, "then what did you want to talk about?." Aiden says, "sit down with me."  He holds out his hand to her as she takes it, and they head over to the bench where Aiden removes his guitar with confusion clouding on Isabella's mind feeling terrified at the though that something would tear their friendship apart. The sound of Aiden's voice soon soothe Isabella's feeling as he began to strum his guitar, the song he was playing was one which Isabella never heard before. Aiden sings, 'I knew since we were kids that you'd be the one, the way you always laughed and smiled were my favourite parts of you, I only wanted to spend my time with you, it was you and only you that made my heart flutter.' Isabella smiled at Aiden as she was surprised thinking, 'not only is he my best friend but a talented musician and I am so lucky to experience this.' Aiden asked, "did you like the song, Isa?." Isabella replies, "it was lovely, you truly are talented, Addie." Aiden says, "I wrote this song for you." Isabella says, "f-for me?." Isabella soon realised the lyrics and tune was about their childhood and how much Aiden loved her since they were kids.

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