Chapter 12

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Aiden looked at Isabella replying, "of course." As they laid on the grass opposite each other Isabella asks, "do you ever think about the what ifs?." Aiden was confused by Isabella's words replying, "what do you mean, Isa?." Isabella says, "what if we never lost contact with each other, Addie? Do you think our lives could have turned out differently?." Aiden replies, "I always did wonder how different our lives could have been, sadly we are unable to control parts of our lives then we are left wondering why tragic situation happen leaving us in pain, but I believe everything happens for a reason and though we lost each other- what matters is that we found each other again." Isabella felt the reassurance in Aiden's words because she felt uncertain about a lot of things but as she lays on the lush meadow, Isabella began to picture moments of a blissful future with Aiden; she imagined all the smiles and laughter enjoying every minute of the days. Aiden dreamt of how his friendship with Isabella would blossom beyond the near future, he was picturing how deeply their lives would intertwined with years to come. Isabella extended her hand to Aiden as he held it in his thinking, 'everything has finally been cleared, I hope we can bring back time.' A week passes as Isabella is in the café with Hailey saying, "it feels so good to finally have closure, Hails." Hailey says, "I am sure you are very excited for the future of your friendship with Aiden." Isabella says, "I am, I am looking forward to spending time with him again... I miss hanging out with him like I used to." 

Hailey says, "I bet he feels the same way, girl." Isabella giggles before turning back as Cameron enters the shop saying, "this is what you call working." Hailey says, "can't you see we are busy?." Cameron rolls his eyes replying, "sure, busy chatting." Hailey says, "well unless you plan on helping us, I suggest you let us work in peace." Cameron says, "I am not leaving without my latte." Isabella turns around holding a latte and also a wrapped cookie saying, "don't worry, I've got you covered, your usual latte along with a white chocolate and pistachio cookie." Cameron says, "atleast someone knows what good customer service is." Hailey rolls her eyes saying, "you can leave now." Cameron takes his order but not before saying, "Isabella is a better barista than you, Hailey." Hailey scowls as Cameron leaves whilst Isabella turns asking, "don't you ever get tired of bickering with Cameron?." Hailey replies, "not really, it's how we bond." Just then the door opened as Aiden came in saying, "hello, may I get a-." Isabella turns surprised to see Aiden saying, "Aiden?!." Aiden was even more surprised seeing her saying, "I did not know you work here." Isabella asked, "what are you doing here?." Aiden replies, "getting coffee." Isabella says, "of course you are." Aiden says, "I am glad I got to see you, I've been wanting to talk to you, when are you on a break?." Isabella replies, "I am not sure because it's super busy at the moment." 

Aiden turns and sees the line and people sitting around waiting for their order before turning back to Isabella saying, "I see." Hailey says, "you know what, Isabella is just about to take her break." Isabella turns to Hailey asking, "are you sure, Hails? It's just busy at the moment and I-." Hailey nods replying, "Go." Isabella turns to Aiden and comes out from the back saying, "I guess I am taking my break now." Aiden says, "follow me." They come out and sit at a table as Aiden asks, "so how have you been?." Isabella replies, "I've been good, just busy with work and studies... what about you?." Aiden says, "I am good too, just been kind of stressed studying for exams." Isabella says, "I know that feeling all too well, being a student is so stressful." Aiden says, "it really is, everyone who said it would be a fun experience clearly lied." Isabella laughs as Aiden says, "I know you have to get back to work soon so I won't take up more of your time, I miss how we used to spend a lot of time together and I want to get back to that place again, I am hoping that you want the same... would you like to go to the movies with me like we used to, Isa?". Isabella thinks, 'just when I thought things couldn't fall into place, Aiden wants to spend as much time with me as much as I do with him.' Isabella didn't know why but she felt excited but also nervous at the same time before saying ecstatically, "I cannot wait, it will be just like old times." Aiden chuckles as Isabella blushes saying, "sorry I got a little too excited."

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