Chapter 21

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The weather changed as spring was beginning to bloom in Toronto, this was not the only thing that was being impacted but also the friendship between Aiden and Isabella was blossoming into something more; although Isabella wanted to take things slowly, Aiden still wanted her to know how much he loved her by showing her affection which he did in small ways hoping she would notice such as putting his arm around her or smiling at her when she was around him. Isabella wondered, 'how did I ever get lucky to have someone like Addie?.' A few months passed as Aiden was in the park with Cameron saying, "Isa's birthday is coming up and I think we should celebrate it." Cameron asks, "what do you think we should do?." Hailey comes over answering, "I think we should throw her a surprise birthday party." Aiden was hesitant saying, "I'm not sure that it is a good idea since Isa does not like parties." Hailey says, "hmm, what if we do something small? something that only includes us." Cameron says, "that sounds like a good idea but we still need an exact idea so we can plan this right." Aiden ponders for a moment before asking, "how about we celebrate her birthday with a surprise dinner?." Hailey replies, "that sounds like a plan." Cameron agrees saying, "it's perfect!." Aiden says, "great, then we should plan it when we are all free." Just then Isabella came over asking, "hey, what are you all up to?." Aiden says, "hey Isa, we were just discussing about a place we wanted to eat." Cameron says, "you came at the right moment we were actually talking about you-." Hailey sensed Cameron about to blow the surprise and gently elbowed him before asking, "do you want to join us, or do you have plans to study more?." 

Isabella replies, "I have time for a break." Aiden says, "cool, let's all go to our usual place, the café." Isabella nods as they soon head over; later that afternoon Aiden came home to find his sister taking a call outside as Jennifer says, "thank you so much, I'm glad we could do business together, I'll be stopping by soon to pick up the cheque, you have a great day too!."Jennifer ends the call as she does a happy dance just as Aiden says, "nice move, sis." Jennifer turns a little  embarrassed but shrugs it off saying, "I have not a clue as to what you are talking ."out, bro." Aiden mimics her dance calling her an old lady as Jennifer glares at him asking, "did you just call me old?!." Aiden runs around the living room with Jennifer chasing him with a pillow as they soon fall onto the sofa laughing. Aiden asks, "what has got you in a good mood?." Jennifer replies, "well the phone call was with an art dealer who told me one of my painting has been sold." Aiden says, "congratulations, that's fantastic sis what are you going to do with the money now that you are a millionaire?." Jennifer thinks for a moment before answering, "I think I will buy something special for Nate, perhaps a ring?." Aiden was surprised and stunned saying, "an engagement ring? wow, now we definitely need to celebrate!." He gets up and heads into the kitchen before preparing a custard and jam cake before bringing it over to Jennifer who takes the first bite saying with delight, "yep, you still have the same magic in your hand, baby brother." Aiden rolls his eyes saying, "I am so happy for you, Jen." 

Jennifer thanks him saying, "it seems like things are going well for the both of us." Aiden smiles thinking of Isabella saying, "I guess so."  They both dig into the cake and chat until the evening falls, meanwhile Isabella is at home with Truffles preparing pasta when her phone beeps and she sees a text from Aiden however she texts back and heads back into the kitchen to finish her sauce and pasta before giving some to Truffles who purrs with delight. Isabella says, "I love you Mr Truffles, I know I have been so busy with studies and my friends that I feel like I have completely neglected you." Mr Truffles look at her with a confused look as Isabella says, "how about we watch your favourite movie?." Mr Truffles stretches himself before jumping on the couch as Isabella smiles with happiness. A few days later Cameron and Hailey came over to Isabella's place as she says, "I'm gonna have a shower, feel free to make coffee." As she goes into the other room Cameron looks at his phone before asking, "what are we gonna cook for Isabella's surprise dinner, sis?." Hailey replies, "I have no clue, do you have any idea?." Cameron rolls his eyes saying, "duh, that's what I asked you, silly." Hailey says, "let's video call Aiden, I am sure he will be able to give us some ideas." Cameron says, "I don't have his number so I can't call him." Hailey takes out her phone saying, "I have it, so I will call him."

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