Chapter 6

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Class was soon over as Liam brought Aiden to the coffee shop; Aiden looked around at the decorations as Liam says, "this is the famous coffee shop I was telling you about earlier". Aiden says, "wow this place looks like it serves the best coffee in all of Toronto". Liam says, "you're right about that dude, how about I treat you to a latte?". Aiden says,"thank you, Liam". Liam nods as he says, "I will be back in a second". He goes over to the counter just as Sasha and Isabella enter the shop; Isabella has her eyes closed as Sasha whispers, "if you did not know already, we are inside the coffee shop girl so please stop walking like a zombie". Isabella sighs and turns to Sasha saying, "ugh it's about time I thought I would collapse on the floor". Sasha giggles as Isabella apologises for being dramatic however Sasha says, "girl,I am used to it... coffee can spice any mood up". Aiden hears Isabella and Sasha talking wondering, 'this voice sounds so familiar... no, it cannot be her, right?'. Sasha says, "I will order you speciality latte before I have to pick you up from the floor". Isabella says, "you are a lifesaver, thank you Sash". Sasha heads over to the counter as Aiden had doubts wondering whether it was who he was thinking about as he remembered years have passed between them, but he could never forget that voice. 

Aiden decided to take a chance as he headed over to Isabella saying, "excuse me?". Isabella turns to Aiden answering, "yes?". Aiden says, "look what I am about to say but seems strange, but you sound just like a friend I used to have, I have not seen her since we were kids, you would happen to be called Isabella and be from Oregon?". Isabella looked stunned at Aiden as she said, "A-Aiden?". Aiden was even more surprised hearing her say his name as he says, "Isabella,I've missed you". Isabella felt her palms sweating and heart beating before running out the coffee shop as Aiden called out to her, "Isabella,wait!". Tears poured down his eyes sadly thinking, 'did I scare her away?'. At home Isabella is sat in the living room motionless as Tiddles comes beside her just as the doorbell rings but Isabella does not respond to it. Outside Cameron and Hailey wonder what is happening as they decide to give her space; a few days later they come back to check on Isabella who is still the same. Hailey says, "she has been like this for days, she won'teat or talk." Cameron says, "I have never seen her like this." Hailey says, "neither have I." Isabella gets up and goes to her room locking the door as Cameron says, "we have to do something, Hail." Hailey says, "every suggestion I will make won't work, Cam." Cameron says, "we are not going to give up on her, we have to try harder." Hailey says, "you're right bro because I cannot bear to see her like this anymore." Meanwhile, Aiden is in his room as he looks out of the window deep in thoughts remembering his encounter with Isabella at the coffee shop. Jennifer comes in with a tray of snacks and warm hot chocolate as Aiden says, "I am not hungry." Jennifer says, "you need to eat, bro." 

She leaves as Aiden takes out a frame photo thinking, 'what did I expect? she would welcome me back after I was the one who left without saying goodbye.' Aiden says, "I can't believe she ran away from me like I was a stranger." Elsewhere Isabella thinks, 'it's been over a week since seeing Aiden at the coffee shop.' She looks at an envelope beside her with her name written in silver as she has a flashback to a few days ago. Isabella came to the coffee shop unaware Aiden was waiting for her as he says,"Isabella you don't have to run from me, I just want to give you something." Isabella did not even say anything and just left without taking it. Aiden sadly looked down as Hailey who was on shift noticed what had happened. Hailey says, "Isabella is my best friend." Aiden says, "can you give this to her, please?." Hailey took the envelope while Aiden left; after finishing her shift Hailey came to visit Isabella and left the note on the table. (End of flashback). Isabella stared at the envelope as she could not bring herself to open it thinking, 'the memory of Aiden... seeing him again.. only brings me sadness from the day he left me.' Tiddles jumps beside her and purrs while Isabella strokes him lovingly. Early the next morning Aiden passed the coffee shop which was closed thinking, 'why do I still have some hope that I might see her here again? I wish she could read my letter which wouldn't have been possible without Jen's help.'

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