Chapter 1

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Hot shot is a five year old child. He lives with his parents Heatwave and Quickshadow. They all live in Fort Worth Texas. They live a very happy and normal life there.

Heatwave his father is a firefighter. He is very brave and strong. He has helped save many lives on many calls. He has many good friends. He taught Hot shot all about fire safety, how and when to call 911. He comes from a very wealthy background he was born into and his parents are okay with his line of work. Heatwave is able to give his family a good life with the money he has in an account his parents set up for him. It has 6 billion dollars in it. He is a very loving and caring husband and father. He loves his wife and son very much.

Quickshadow his mother is a pediatric oncologist who works at Cook Children's hospital. She is very good at her job. She has helped many children in their cancer fights. She loves to help children. She does worry though because she knows there might be a chance that might be her child one day. Because she knows that cancer doesn't care who you are, how old you are, how much money you have, what race you are and whether or not you have a disability, because cancer is merciless. Her coworkers could understand her concerns, but they told her try not to worry about that too much. Quickshadow also comes from a very wealthy background her parents gave her an account with a large deal of money. Her account has 4 billion dollars in it. She is a very loving and caring wife and mother. She loved her husband and son with all of her heart.

Both Heatwave and Quickshadow also invest money into certain stocks. This helps increase the money they have in the bank. They have at least all together 22 billion dollars in the bank. Some of the money they were setting aside for Hot shot's future. 

Hot shot is a highly active child. He loves to run, jump, climb and play. He also loves sports, animals and Pokemon. Hot shot plays tee ball, he plays soccer, he does martial arts and he does gymnastics. He also loves to ride his bike, and to roller skate. He loves to watch Pokemon. He loves to play with Fireplug their family Dalmatian. 

They got Fireplug last year when Hot shot was 4 years old. Fireplug is a well loved member of the family. Fireplug gets walked on a daily basis. Hot shot loves to play with Fireplug too. 

Hot shot also has other family members too. He has his grandparents who are his father's parents. They live in San Antonio. He calls them Pawpaw and Granny. He also has his aunt and uncle on his father's side who are his father's older sister and brother in law. He also has three cousins who are the children of his aunt and uncle. He has his grandparents who are his mother's parents. They live in London England. He calls them grandmum and granddad. He also has an uncle who is his mother's twin brother. 

His father has three good friends from childhood. Blades, Boulder and Chase, they are like brothers to Heatwave. Hot shot calls them his uncles out of affection. They also are close to the family.

Hot shot has always been very healthy. He never had any problems with his health. He would at times get bumps, cuts, scrapes and bruises, but that was normal for active children. Hot shot would occasionally get tummy aches or colds, but he got over them really quick. He never really had to go to the hospital or go to the ER. Heatwave and Quickshadow were happy to have such a healthy son. 

Life was good for them and they didn't think things could ever go wrong. However in a heartbeat things can change. This type of change is not easy and it can either break you or make you stronger. 

It was Mid April. Hot shot woke up this morning. When he did he noticed that his head was really hurting. "Ow my head," Hot shot said. He was wondering why he had such bad headache. It was very strange. His tummy was also not feeling so well either. Hot shot soon went into the kitchen for breakfast. 

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