chapter 45

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*another day passed in Konoha, it was officially 4 months since Naruto has been there, doing research. After searching for 4 different libraries, he still had 26 to go.*

At the apartment

*Sakura walked out of her room yawning, scratching under her shirt, she walked to the kitchen, and was surprised, no eggs, no waffles, no nothing, there was no breakfast, Sakura looked at Hinata digging up ingredients out from the fridge*

Sakura:what's going on? Is N sick?

Hinata:I don't know, I heard weird noises coming from his room last night. Either way, it's rude to expect him to cook breakfast for us everyday

*Hinata said as she started making blueberry pancakes, Sakura blushed a little, scratching her cheek*

Sakura:I know that,'s kinda nice, to know that there's always food on the table before I wake up, I just like the consistency of him that's all

Hinata:well, that can wait till tomorrow, since today is our 4 month anniversary of being roommates

*Hinata said with a bright innocent smile, she was one of those people, the kind that celebrated everything. Sakura sighed with a smile on her face looking at her best friend*

Sakura:never change, you sweet sweet, naive girl. Never change. Come on I'll help, I'll.... I don't know peel him a orange

Hinata: yay, oh, he is gonna love it. And maybe I can get him to tell me that I did a good job, or I'm proud of you!

*Hinata said with a goofy smile and giggle. And to be completely fair to her, the only male role model was hiashi and Neji stick up my ass hyuga, the poor girl, bless her heart, was desperate for any male approval, in the familiar sense, and Naruto was filling that older sibling role just fine. Sakura glanced at her with a forced smile on her face*

Sakura "she's Happy, remember that, she's happy, that's what matters, she's happy that's all that matters"

Sakura:y.. yeah, maybe

Scene change

*Hinata was giggling to herself, as she walked to N's room, she slowly opened the door to the room, when she saw breathing happening under the blankets, she tipped toe to the closer, leaving the food on the nightstand, she walked to the curtains, and mentally counted backwards from 3*

Hinata"o..ok, at the count of three, you yell Hinata, just like you practiced in the mirror"

*Hinata thought to herself before she ripped them opened*

Hinata:rise and shine!

Ino:argh, what the fuck?

*Hinata froze, that was not the voice of a boy, that was the voice of a girl, a girl she knew extremely well. Her eyes widen when the covers were lowered, and Hinata saw, ino Yamanaka naked on N's bed, with a naked sleeping N, right next to her*

Ino:Hinata...? What the hell are you doing here?

Hinata:.......yup, that should about do it

*Hinata said to herself, her face completely red, steam came out of her head, and she passed out on the bed. Ino was so confused, the confusion got worse, when someone else came into the room*

Sakura:hey I'm gonna.....

*Sakura saw ino covering her chest with a blanket, Hinata's tomato face passed out on the bed, and N covering his face with a pillow to cover the sun*

Ino: Sakura.....I'm gonna take a guess and say N's your new roommate huh?

Sakura: yes....yes he is. Now.... WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON!!!?

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