chapter 41

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*Naruto kicked opened the door, the people inside all scrambled to get up looking at him trying to get there weapons, the fire behind him + his armor making him look like some sort of ancient evil*

*Naruto kicked opened the door, the people inside all scrambled to get up looking at him trying to get there weapons, the fire behind him + his armor making him look like some sort of ancient evil*

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Naruto: my name N the ronin of Terumi, and I'm here to end this

*Naruto raised his weapon to block an attack and kicked the man's shin making him grunt and fall to his knees to be decapitated. Naruto wasn't playing anymore, not when these scum had woman and children locked up*

Naruto:now, that was just rude. but what should I expect from scum who align themselves from a tyrant like yagura

*Naruto said in disgust, he took a breath and looked at the rest of them waiting for Naruto to make the first move*

Naruto:now, I'll say it again. My name is N I am the ronin of Terumi. I'll give you all a chance to live. Repent from your actions and free the hostages, or die by my blade

*Naruto said coldly, sadly no one took his warning, well that's a lie it wasn't sad, Naruto wasn't gonna let them live anyway. That stormy night Naruto freed the hostages, and his blade had a bright red color from all the blood that he spilled and splashed on it*

Real world

*Naruto woke up from his most pleasant of dreams with a yawn, he sat down on the bed and stretched till he heard the pop of his joints*

Naruto:hm, it was of the highest honor to use that armor. I should be happy that I got to wear it at all, and not be selfish enough to wish to wear it again

*Naruto chastised himself for simply having a dream of his good old days at the civil war, he got up and went to start his day. He went to the kitchen, grabbed a few fruits and smashed them and mixed it with milk to make it a smoothie. Naruto almost chocked up chuckling remembering something of his past*


*It was early morning in iron country, the sun wasn't even out, but Naruto and his friends were all out ready to start there exercises. Naruto, Mugen and Jin stayed behind, since it was there turn to help miss Takeda with the children. And as always Mugen had a dumb idea to pass the time*

Jin:this is stupid

*Jin said with an exasperated sigh, Mugen and Naruto looked at him with smug smiles plastered on there faces*

Naruto:so you can't do it

Jin:there is nothing I can't do, your idea is not worth doing,

*Jin said as usual not showing any emotions, Mugen gave a bored and very fake yawned*

Mugen:hey if your too scared to do it that's fine, but at least own up do it

Jin:there is nothing I can't do

*Jin said as Naruto placed an empty glass in front of jin and a carton of eggs. His shit eating grin becoming bigger, as always he let himself get sucked into Mugen's stupidity*

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