chapter 49

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Anbu captain: the interim Hokage, would like a word with the 4 of you

Naruto " much for a happy ending"


*We see the 3 of them waiting outside the Hokage door. Kenshin was calm, since he knew Naruto was preparing to talk no Jutsu, there way out of the situation, like he always does. And Shizune, was just concern of the well being of Tsunade, since they've been waiting for her to join them, 3 hours ago*

Kenshin:did I mention, that Zheng shi found a small island, that she's claiming for herself?

Naruto;no kidding? Wonder if it was really abandoned, or if she had to fight somebody to get it

*Naruto said with a small smirk, wondering about all the adventure the self proclaimed future queen of the pirates, has gotten herself into*

Kenshin:guess, we'll have to ask her. I'll go over there, with my master. She told him, it would be the perfect way to train

Naruto:hm, I wish you luck, I'm certain you'll become stronger my friend

*Naruto said honestly, while at the back of his mind, he was thinking of a way to become stronger, then He already is. He knew the route of the ronin, meant that he'll be weaker then his peers, at least physically, but Naruto wasn't satisfied, with staying stagnant. The two of them kept having small conversations, even including shizune every now and then, till finally after 45 more minutes, Tsunade was being wheeled do them, with Kushina being the one wheeling her. Both of them glaring at Naruto, more specifically at the necklace, that's as back around his neck. The door opened and the interim Hokage's assistant walked up to them*

Izumi:the Hokage Will see you now. Oh! Your N, Itachi told me about you

Naruto:lovely to meet you dear, but I'm pretty sure your on office hours, so now is not the appropriate time, to gossip

*Naruto said with a small wink, a small blush of embarrassment grew on izumi's face walking inside, Naruto got up and walked inside, with Kenshin and the rest following him, there they saw, something that's making the second Hokage roll in his grave, and cry in the afterlife. An Uchiha using the Hokage robes*

Meanwhile in the pure lands

Tobirama:let me go!! I'm gonna wipe that smug look off his face!!

*Tobirama yelled, being hold back by his brother, mito Uzumaki, and even the Shinigami, and they were struggling to hold him back, with how angry he was, as in front of him, Madara Uchiha had a "Itachi 5th Hokage" t-shirt with a little drawing of Itachi's face, in the Hokage mountain, and drinking from a "Uchiha for Hokage" mug. Making a deliberate effort to slurp his drink as loud as possible, while never breaking eye contact from the racist, younger brother, of his best friend*

Madara:release him, I'll even let him get a free punch in, it's not gonna change the fact, that an UCHIHA is finally gonna be Hokage. And would you look at that, your two students, who are on the council, were kneeling in front of him. Oh this is the best day~

Back to the world of the living

Itachi:N, K, Shizune, and Tsunade Senju. You 4 are being charged, with disturbing the peace, fighting in public, and destruction of property. How do you all individually plea? Let's start with you N

Naruto:thank you, Hokage. I'll speak on behave of myself, and my friend K. We were walking around the village, completely just stretching our legs, when suddenly, someone tried to poison me with a senbon. These two Shinobi of yours, attacked us first. We simply defended ourselves, I mean what would you have us do? Let them kick our ass, and steal from us?

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