chapter 2 : twist and turns

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One night...

In a quaint restaurant, the soft glow of candlelight casts a warm ambiance over the cozy table where AJ and his grandmother, Marga del Franco, share a meal. As they dine, Grandma Marga's disappointment simmers beneath the surface, evident in the furrow of her brow and the subtle sighs that escape her lips.

AJ: Grandma, can we enjoy the dinner without discussing my love life?

Grandma Marga: AJ, you can't avoid this forever. You're the heir to the del Franco Realty and the Del Franco empire, and it's high time you settled down and started a family.

AJ: (chuckles) Grandma, you never miss a chance to remind me of my responsibilities. But you know me, married to my work and all.

Grandma Marga: Life is about more than work, AJ. You need to have someone to share your joys and burdens.

AJ: I've tried the dating scene, Grandma. Finding someone who can keep up with my lifestyle and my incessant puns is like finding a needle in a haystack.

Grandma Marga: Don't be stubborn, AJ. You're a catch, and it's time you found someone worthy of your affection.

AJ: Maybe I should start setting you up on blind dates too. I hear the retirement home has quite the eligible bachelors.

Grandma Marga: (laughs) You're incorrigible, AJ. But mark my words, one day you'll thank me for pushing you to find your happily ever after.

AJ: Fine, Grandma, you win. Let's enjoy this meal and worry about my love life later. After all, they say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, right?

Grandma Marga: "AJ, my dear, you know I only want what's best for you. But we can't ignore the reality of your situation any longer."

AJ: (sighs) "I understand, Grandma. But must we discuss this now?"

Grandma Marga: "I'm afraid we must. You're the future of the del Franco legacy, and you must find a suitable partner to continue our family line."

AJ: (smirks) "Ah, so this is about securing the family fortune, then?"

Grandma Marga: (chuckles) "Partially, yes. But it's also about finding happiness, AJ. You deserve someone who will stand by your side through thick and thin."

AJ: "Well, I appreciate your concern, Grandma. But finding a partner isn't as simple as ordering from a menu."

Grandma Marga: "True, but you won't find love sitting idle either. It's time you took matters into your own hands, AJ."

AJ: "Perhaps you're right, Grandma. But until then, let's enjoy this delicious meal and postpone the matchmaking, shall we?"

Grandma Marga: (smiles) "Let's savor the present moment and leave the future for another day."

AJ: "Grandma, I have a surprise for you. You have nothing to worry, seriously speaking, my fiancée is on her way. She just got held up in traffic."

Grandma Marga: (arches an eyebrow skeptically) "AJ, don't play games with me. You've made it quite clear that you don't have a fiancée just a while ago."

AJ: (smirks) "I know what I said, Grandma, but I may have understated the situation a bit. You see, I've been keeping her under wraps until now."

Grandma Marga: (eyes widen in surprise) "Under wraps? Why on earth would you do such a thing?"

AJ: "I wanted to make sure she was the one before introducing her to the family. And I must say, she's exceeded all my expectations."

Grandma Marga: (skeptical but intrigued) "Well, I suppose I'll have to reserve judgment until I meet her. But I must say, AJ, this is quite unexpected."

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