chapter 35: the ordeal

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Left in the darkness with the three men, Peachy frantically struggled to free herself from the ropes binding her. Suddenly, one of the men moved closer, but instead of helping her, he began to tear at Peachy's dress. Panic surged through her, and she screamed for help, the sound echoing off the walls of the warehouse.

Peachy's heart raced with terror as she realized the men's intentions. "Stop! Let me go!" she screamed, her voice echoing off the walls of the warehouse.

But the men only laughed cruelly, their hands rough as they tore at her dress. "No one's going to hear you, sweetheart," one of them jeered, his voice dripping with malice.

Peachy fought against them with all her strength, her struggles growing more desperate with each passing moment. "Please, please stop!" she cried, tears streaming down her face as she pleaded for mercy.

But her pleas fell on deaf ears as the men continued their assault, their laughter echoing in the darkness. With each rip of fabric, Peachy felt her hope slipping away, replaced by a suffocating sense of despair.

"Stop! Please, stop!" Peachy's voice trembled with fear and desperation as she struggled against the men's relentless assault.

The men's laughter rang out like a cruel symphony, their voices filled with malice and mockery. "You're not going anywhere, sweetheart," one of them sneered, his tone dripping with contempt.

Tears streamed down Peachy's cheeks as she pleaded with them, her voice growing hoarse with desperation. "Please, have mercy! Let me go!"

But the men only laughed harder, their hands relentless as they tore at her dress. "You think anyone's going to hear you out here?" another taunted, his voice cruel and taunting.

Peachy's heart sank as she realized the futility of her cries for help. Trapped in the darkness with these monsters, she felt a sense of hopelessness wash over her, drowning out the last remnants of her courage.

As the men continued their assault, Peachy's screams echoed through the warehouse, a haunting chorus of despair in the face of unspeakable cruelty.

Amidst the chaos and the cacophony of her cries, Peachy's mind raced with fear and desperation. She fought against the men with all her strength, but their overpowering force left her feeling helpless and vulnerable.

In the depths of her despair, a glimmer of hope flickered within Peachy's heart as she thought of those she loved. She refused to let herself be consumed by fear, drawing upon her inner resilience to find the strength to endure.

"AJ! Help me, please!" Peachy's voice rang out in the darkness, her cry filled with desperation and urgency.

As she called out for AJ, Peachy clung to the hope that he would hear her, that he would come to her rescue in her darkest hour of need.

The sound of her voice echoed off the walls of the warehouse, reverberating through the space. With each shout, Peachy poured all her anguish and determination into her plea for help.

As the moments stretched on, Peachy's heart pounded with uncertainty. Would AJ hear her cries? Would he come to her aid before it was too late?

As Peachy's cries for help echoed through the warehouse, a chilling laughter pierced the darkness, filling the space with a sense of malevolence. It was Hannah, her voice filled with cruel amusement as she cheered on the actions of the three men who tormented Peachy.

"Hahaha! That's it, boys! Show her no mercy!" Hannah's voice rang out, her laughter echoing off the walls as she reveled in Peachy's suffering.

Peachy's heart sank as she realized that Hannah was not only complicit in her ordeal but was actively encouraging the men to inflict harm upon her. The betrayal cut deep, adding another layer of pain to Peachy's already harrowing experience.

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