chapter 22: curse

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One afternoon... 

As Mr. and Mrs. Montecielo stormed into AJ and Peachy's home, their anger was palpable, their voices booming with fury as they unleashed a barrage of accusations at Peachy.

Mr. Montecielo: "You ungrateful girl! Marrying into wealth and forgetting all about your family responsibilities!"

Mrs. Montecielo: "You're nothing but bad luck to this family, Peachy! All you care about is yourself and your happiness!"

Peachy stood frozen in shock, the harsh words cutting deep into her heart. She had never seen her parents so enraged, their faces contorted with anger and disappointment.

Peachy: "But, Mom, Dad, you don't understand—"

But her words fell on deaf ears as her parents continued their tirade, their voices growing louder with each passing moment.

Mr. Montecielo: "You've disgraced our family name, Peachy! Marrying a rich man to escape our debts!"

Mrs. Montecielo: "We sacrificed everything for you, and this is how you repay us? By abandoning your family and running off with some wealthy man?"

Tears welled up in Peachy's eyes as she struggled to make sense of her parents' accusations. She had never wanted to hurt them, but it seemed that no matter what she did, she could never live up to their expectations.

Peachy: "I didn't marry AJ to escape anything, Mom, Dad. I love him, and he loves me. Can't you see that?"

But her pleas fell on deaf ears as her parents continued to berate her, their anger unrelenting.

Mr. Montecielo: "Love? Don't make me laugh, Peachy! You've brought nothing but misery to this family!"

Mrs. Montecielo: "We disown you, Peachy! You're no longer welcome in this family!"

As the torrent of accusations and insults continued to rain down upon her, Peachy felt like she was drowning in a sea of pain and betrayal. Her parents' words cut deeper than any blade, each syllable a painful reminder of the divide that had formed between them.

Mr. Montecielo: "You've brought nothing but shame upon us, Peachy! Marrying that rich man won't erase the disgrace you've brought upon our family!"

Mrs. Montecielo: "You're a disgrace to us all, Peachy! We raised you better than this!"

Peachy's heart sank with each word, the weight of her parents' disappointment crushing her spirit. She had never felt so utterly alone, so completely abandoned by the ones who were supposed to love her unconditionally.

Peachy: "Please, Mom, Dad, I didn't mean to hurt you. I just want to be happy."

But her pleas fell on deaf ears as her parents continued to berate her, their anger fueling their relentless assault.

Mr. Montecielo: "Happiness? Do you think marrying into wealth will make you happy, Peachy? You're delusional!"

Mrs. Montecielo: "You're a selfish, spoiled brat, Peachy! You don't care about anyone but yourself!"

Tears streamed down Peachy's cheeks as she struggled to comprehend the depth of her parents' hatred for her. She had never imagined that they could be capable of such cruelty, such venomous disdain.

Peachy: "I'm sorry, Mom, Dad. I never meant to cause you pain."

But her words were met with only cold silence as her parents turned their backs on her, their scornful glares burning into her soul.

Mr. Montecielo: "We're done with you, Peachy. You're dead to us."

Mrs. Montecielo: "We will forget you, you ungrateful wretch!"

Amidst the torrent of emotions crashing down upon her, Peachy's cries echoed through the empty room, her voice filled with desperation and anguish as she pleaded with her parents.

Peachy: "Please, Mom, Dad, you have to believe me! I'm still saving up to help with our family's debts. The wealth isn't mine—it's AJ's. I have no right to take any of it."

Her words were choked with tears, her heart laid bare for all to see as she begged for understanding.

Peachy: "I didn't marry AJ for his money, I married him because I love him. I thought you would be happy for me, that you would understand..."

But her parents remained unmoved, their faces twisted with scorn and resentment.

Mr. Montecielo: "Enough of your lies, Peachy! We know the truth. You're just like your mother—always looking out for yourself."

Mrs. Montecielo: "You can try to justify your actions all you want, Peachy, but we know better. You've betrayed us, and there's no coming back from that."

Peachy's heart shattered into a million pieces at her parents' rejection, the pain of their accusations cutting deeper than any knife.

Peachy: "Please, Mom, Dad, I'll do anything to make things right. Just give me a chance to prove myself."

But her pleas fell on deaf ears as her parents turned their backs on her, leaving her alone with her shattered dreams and broken heart.

Peachy: "I'm sorry, AJ. I'm sorry for everything."

As AJ stood at a distance, his heart heavy with sorrow and anger, he couldn't bear to listen to Peachy's parents' hurtful words any longer. With a determined stride, he approached them, his expression grave but resolute.

AJ: "Mr. and Mrs. Montecielo, I've heard enough. How much are your debts?"

His voice was firm, his eyes burning with a fierce intensity as he confronted Peachy's parents.

Mr. Montecielo, taken aback by AJ's sudden intervention, hesitated for a moment before responding.

Mr. Montecielo: "Why do you care? This is none of your concern."

But AJ remained undeterred, his resolve unwavering as he repeated his question.

AJ: "I care because Peachy is my wife, and your debts are now my concern. How much do you owe?"

Mrs. Montecielo, her expression softening slightly at AJ's words, reluctantly divulged the amount of their debts.

Mrs. Montecielo: "It's... it's a substantial sum, AJ. We've been struggling to keep up with the payments."

AJ nodded solemnly, his mind already racing with plans to alleviate their financial burden.

AJ: "I'll issue a check for the full amount. Consider your debts paid."

Peachy's parents stared at AJ in disbelief, their mouths agape with astonishment at his offer.

AJ's gaze softened as he addressed Peachy's parents with sincerity, his voice tinged with a mixture of empathy and determination.

AJ: "But let me make one thing clear. I won't stand for any further mistreatment of Peachy. She is my wife, and I love her more than anything in this world. I won't allow anyone to hurt her, whether it's through words or actions."

His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of his unwavering devotion to Peachy.

Mr. and Mrs. Montecielo exchanged glances, their expressions reflecting a mixture of shame and gratitude at AJ's generosity and his unwavering commitment to their daughter.

As AJ finished speaking, he turned to Peachy, his eyes filled with tenderness and reassurance. With a gentle smile, he reached out to her, pulling her into a warm embrace.

AJ: "Peachy, don't cry. Everything's going to be okay. We'll get through this together."

Peachy's tears continued to flow, but she found solace in AJ's comforting embrace, feeling the warmth of his love enveloping her like a protective shield against the pain.

Peachy: "Thank you, AJ. Thank you for always being there for me."

AJ held her close, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead, his love for her shining brightly in his eyes.

AJ: "I'll always be here for you, Peachy. No matter what."

As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, Peachy felt a sense of peace wash over her, knowing that with AJ by her side, she could weather any storm that came their way.

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