Episode 8

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"LIAM .....LIAM!" I called out Liam name until I arrived into the studio. Liam is really famous song writer and producer ,who is also a CEO of "Bell Studio" . *But ,for me he is just like my best friend and my personal studio buddy. And also my gossip gurl* 

He always help me with my songs composing ,and he is the only one who has all of my albums in his house. *Such a lovely *

"Jesus Christ! ...Bella ...You freaking my out" he said when he spotted my appearance.

"I met with him ...Liam "I said to walk towards him.

"Who ...?" he asked again while he is holding some papers . I didn't say anything and just keep looking at him . 


"That's it ....that piece of shit comes and talks to me in this morning" I sit angrily on the chair ,which is facing with him and backwards to Audio room.

"Hi ...Nick "I also greeted to Nick, who is also a song writer and background music creator.

"Where did you meet him?" 

"In this morning , me and Dua Lipa hang out to have breakfast . After Dua follows with Callum ,I met that asshole ." I let out an sigh and rest my head back. 

"Did he do something ...to you ?" he also sits on the coach .

"He told me that ... he is  still missing me so much "

"EWWWWE ....WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT " both Liam and Nick said at the same time.

"He is really such an Asshole" Nick said.

"Come on ...Nick ...he is always such a dick ....that's why I told to Bella that I don't like him" Liam said. 

"I need to make a song right now ...Liam . I have a  feelings for new Lyrics" I stand up from my seat and walk towards Liam .

"Oh ...I love it . But , we have this sweet boy for our appointment . So , give me for a mins".

"Wait ...who ?" I asked in frown.

"There it is ...that sweet boy "Liam points into the Audio room ,which is behind me.

I quickly turns around and saw ...

"Charles Leclerc ?" I asked in gasp.

"Hello Bella" he replied me through his microphone and wave at me.

I turns back to Liam and "Please don't say that ...he heard everything about what I said early". Liam scratch his nose and said "I don't think so". "Nick ?" I asked him. He just look away from me. 

*I am gonna kill them *

I let out a sigh and ,turn towards again to Charles . "Hi Charles "I greeted him and wave at him. He also waved me back and laugh. 

I storm out from Liam's studio and rush towards my Personal Studio Room.

After a few mins later...

"Knock ,Knock "Liam said and open the door .While I was walking back and front in the room. 

"Are you Ok Bella?" Nick also come and join to us . This time I also called Nick cause I really need his music taste this time.

"Here ...take a look at this "I give them a paper. 

" Getaway Car" Liam read out the title of my song. They both reading at my Lyrics . 

"Why don't we ...try ? I think this one will become our next 5th Grammy of The Best Song of the Year." Liam said with grin. 

I rush into the Audio room and put on the Headphones. 

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