Episode 23

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After a few seconds later, the girl comes out with her younger sister. They really look a like each other just like a twins. When I saw their appearance ,I give them a huge smile and wave at them. Instead of waving back, her younger sister cries out loud. I was in shock and run towards her. Carlos also follows with me. "Hey ...sweetie what's wrong?" I put my kneel on the ground to see her face. "She was in shock and cry out loud" her parents come out from the shop and said. I pick up the young girl into my arms. She hugs me tight and start to cry again. I slowly pads her back and said "Hey ...nice to meet you sweetie girl" . She slowly stops her cry and said "You are so beautiful" .We all laugh out loud at her cute statement. There is a lot of people who are filming and looking us. I put her down from pick up and asked her "What's your name sweetie?". "Sofia" she said in small sobs. "How about you ?" I asked her older sister. "I am Jenna. I am the oldest and we have our brother" she said in amuse. *How cute and active girl she is*. 

"Oh ...really where he is?". Before she answer , we heard the crowd called out in cheering. When I turn around to look ,Carlos who is caring the boy with one hand and swinging around him. "We really appreciate to meet with you guys" the man seem like their father told to us. "We are big fan of you 2"he added. Carlos and I look at each other and share a small smile. "I am really glad to hear that" Carlos said and make a hand shake with him. "So why don't we take a group photo then?" I stated. "That's a good idea" Carlos also agrees and stands beside me. He puts his hand on my lower back . We both stand in the middle of the family and take a few photos. We both stuck at the shop by giving an autographs and taking pictures with fans. While I was putting my sing on the book ,Carlos comes to me and said "We need to go Bella". I give him an agreement nod and we both get into our car after we give a wave to our fans. 

"it was really awesome Carlos" I shouted in an amusement. "I know it. You seem like totally change into another person" he said without looking at me. He keeps his eyes on the road. I look at him for a while until he turns towards me. "What?" he asked me. "Nothing, you also seem like happy too" I added. "I am always happy ...Miss Bella" he said in chuckle. "Oh...now you call me Miss Bella?" I asked him with teasingly. He laughs out loud. And then, he make a short statement.

"I really like you Bella" he said. 

"Excuse me" I asked him with frown.

"I said. I really like you the way you spend your times with your fans" he said. "I was just saying that" he added. "Ok...and thanks for your compliment" I said him back.

"Tomorrow we are gonna move on to Bahrein for Grand Prix" Carlos said. "Oh...really?" I asked him back. "Of course Bella, we cant stay here forever" he said with smirk. "I also didn't say that "I slap his arm and said. "Ouch...I am driving" he said in loud giggles. "How long it will takes?" i asked again. "I don't know . I don't have any idea about that" he said. "You guys are also really busy men" I said and rest my head to the seat. He just lets out a small giggle and say nothing. We took a silent for a few mins. He is just keep driving and I was just resting my head back and looking outside through the window. After a few mins later ,he clears his throat and said 

"Would you like to come with me to Bahrein?". Without saying anything I just looking at him for a while. "Will you?" he asked me again. This time he fully looks at me with his Hazel Eyes.

"I am really sorry Carlos, but I have a full schedule for this month" I replied his question.

"Is ok. I already known that you are busy." he said. "I was just asking and don't mention that" he added. 

"I know ..but, i am really sorry about that" I said. He gives me back a few nods and drives back to My mansion.


"Here we are" he stops his car in front of my house and said. 

"Thank you for the accompany with me Carlos" I replied and unlocked my seatbelt.

"No need" he turns towards me and said.

"Good Luck for your Bahrain Grand Prix " I said him through the car window.

"Thanks" he gives me a wave and drove away.

"So, Today is the last day to meet with him" I mumbled to myself while I am looking at the drove away car.

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