Episode 25

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It was nearly 1pm , Chalamet and I are walking in the downtown. "How's it going?" he asked me. "Pretty well...I guess . I won 2 Oscars , my New Album Lounged ,it goes well and I released 2 Dating Rumors " I said. He looks at me with frown . "Really? I didn't heard about that" he added. "Yeah first one was ...not too long ,we have to canceled because of Corner." I replied. "Wait ...Corner? Do you mean that Jacob Corner?" he asked me while he pushed the Cafe door with his one hand and the other one is putting in his jacket. I interwind his arm with my both hands. "Yeah , that Jacob Corner" I added. He looks at me with frowns with full of disappointment. "2 cappuccino and 2 honey pancakes please." he orders to the counter. *He always really knows my favorite every time.* Then, he gestures me to take a seat at the corner of the cafe.

"How did that happened? and Who was your First Rumor?" he asked. "Are you serious ? you really didn't know about that?" I asked him with frown. "Of course...I was been in Australia and stucking at the Project so ...I don't have much time for that Bell". I let out a sigh and rolled my eyes. "First one was, Lewis Hamilton and we got some issue with Jacob Corner at Dior's Fashion Week Show." before i try to start next statement ,he interrupted me. "Wait ...you mean that Lewis Hamilton from Formula 1?" he asked in widen eyes. "Of course, who else be?" I said back . His jaw dropped. "You are really a Keeper aren't ya" he said with narrow eyes. I rolled my eyes at him.

"So ...this is what it is." he said while taking a bite his Honey Pancake. "Yeah ...that's all" I also took a bite of Pancake. "He look sexy "he added. "Who?" I asked. "Carlos Sainz ,he has really good hair" he said with small chuckle and look at me with grin. "I know ...what are you gonna say." I said. "Why not?" he added. "No ...Chalamet ...No" I rejected his statement.

"Emma you really should start your Real Relationship step and this is good time" he said.

"No , Chalamet . I am still on my pathway and I don't want anything else." I said. 

"That's not a reason Emma" he added. I groaned and sink my head into my arms.

"I just ...cant find my attractive one." I said and sit up a little. "You know, Chalamet I want a man who can makes me think about him and make a lyrics about him. But , I still didn't find one." I added.

He hummed and said "I think ,that's why I am also sitting here as a Pancake Partner" he leans forward and puts his arms on the table. "Why don't you try on Carlos ?" he added.

I shake my head. "We are just on our Benefits ." I said and let out sigh.

"We cant know anything ...without trying Emma" Chalamet said. "Maybe I am not your Right Time Person , but what if he will?" he added and look at me. 

I look back into his eyes. " I don't know. And, you are not a Wrong Time Person ...Cha .We just missed our Trains." I said to him without breaking eye contact with him . 

He lets out a small chuckle and looks away. We both took a small silent before w went out from the Cafe. When we got outside ,he puts his hands into his jacket and I interwind his right arm with my hands. "I want you to be Happy it doesn't mean , you have to be alone" he said quietly but loud enough to hear . I lean my head onto his shoulder . "I am happy where I am Chalamet ." I said. We both walk together just like that ,until we get back to our car. He drove me off to My Mansion. "See you on Shooting Emma" he turns towards and said. "See ya Chalamet and Welcome Back" I said while I am unlocking my seatbelt. "Say Hi to Sara for me" he called out to me . "I will" I said to him through the car window. "Really nice to meet you again ,Bella" he added. "Me too" I returned with smile. Before I turn on my heels into my house , he called out on me.

"Remember what I said Bella" and he drove away. I let out a sigh and walk into my house. His statement keep killing me inside my head. 

"Should I?" I asked myself . I brush off my face with both hands to clear my thoughts. I let out a huge sigh and grab my phone. And, I hit one of the ID from my contact. I put on the speaker and grab a glass of water. "Yeah ...Emma?" after a few rings later a familiar voice come up from the speaker. "Sara can you adjust my schedule to next 2 weeks?" I asked her while sipping my water. "Why?" she asked. "Just do it ... Sara" I told to Sara. "Ok " she said shortly but she seems like worry about me. Then , I make a really Big Decision without knowing .

"And also ,can you make an appointment with my Jet?" I asked her. 

"What! ...Are you gonna go for travel?" she asked me with full of concern.

"Not a travel . It is for a Bahrain Grand Prix " I said. "I am going to go to the Grand Prix" I added. After she took a silent for a while , she agrees with me and said "When will you want to go ?" 

"Tomorrow" I said. 

"It will takes 6hours and 35 mins from London to Bahrain" she said. 

"Then, we will leave at 8 am tomorrow." I answered and hang up the phone call .

'We cant know anything without trying ....Emma'. "What if he said is right?" I mumbled to myself and walk up into my bedroom for packaging.

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