Episode 34

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"Carlos!.. what are you doing?" I asked him instantly when we both arrived in his room. "For take a ride" he said and slowly comes to wards me. "NOO!...Carlos" i said in giggle. 

"What?...I just want you to wear a helmet" he said in chuckle.

"What?...Really" I asked back.

"Yeah ..." he shows me the helmet which is on the hooker.

"Oh ...Ok" I said and give him a awkwardly smile. He laughs out loud in amusement. 

"What are you thinking baby?" he said and helps me to wearing the helmet. *Baby*

"No...nothing. I don't think anything weird." my respond make him more laugh out loud. I slap at his arm and give him a side eye. "Ok ...Ok. I will stop" he said in small giggle.

"Is that perfect?" he asked me while adjusting my helmet. "It is heavy" I said with low tone from my helmet. Without any respond ,he locked his gaze on mine again.

"What are you doing Carlos?" i asked him and slightly push his chest.

"Your eyes ...they are really beautiful. I think I might gonna kiss you so hard right now" he said without breaking eye contact.

  Butterflies ,waken in my belly again

"Come on ...Lets go " he grabs my hand and we both went out from the room. "Fernando can i have a car for a while " Carlos called out his assistant man. He quickly glances at me and give us a key from drawer. "Car is in the Main Garage" he said . "Thanks man" Carlos swiftly said and we both run towards the main garage. It was Black LaFerrari in the main garage. "Get in" he said while helps me to get into the passenger seat. As soon as I take a seat he also join into the car. 

"Are you ready?" he asked me with smirk.

"What do you mean ready?" before I asked him, he starts the engine and drive up onto the Racing Road and stop at the starting line

"No!...Carlos please don't tell me that you are gonna drive on this road with this car?" I said him and quickly grab my seatbelt. Without saying anything he starts his engine and start driving like he always does. At once he started his drive, I also shouted in panic. He just giving me a lot of chuckles. The entire driving is full of my screaming and cussed. After a couple mins later we both drove back in to the Main Garage

"Was it good?" he asked me in chuckle while I was trying to stabilize myself from sudden panic. "I hate you Carlos" I said . "Why ...I just want you to make happy" he added. "This is not happy , don't you see that , all the time ....entire time is full of my screaming" I added and give him a side eye again. "Oh someone...is pissed off" he said me with teasingly . "I am gonna go home" I said him and turns my heels out of the garage. "Wait ...Wait ....Bella" he quickly runs towards me and picks me up

"Carlos!...put me down." I said.

"No ...If you don't go home, I will put you down" he said in his Spanish accent. "No!...I will go" I said him back. "Then , I will just staying like this" he lifts me up more to adjust my weight. "Fine...Fine I wont " I said in giggles. "Are you sure? ...do you promise me?" he asked . "Yeah, I promise .Now, put me down Carlos" I added. He slowly puts me back down . He looks at me with grin and let out small chuckles while I was struggling with helmet. "Let me help you  Mi Amor~" he said in his Spanish Language and helps me to take off the helmet. I adjust my hair back before we walk back to his garage. We both walk back to his garage with hand in hand until we saw all of the others drivers.

"Oh ...look at that two love birds" Lando called out with smirk. " You both look like Honey moon couple" Daniel added. "Mates ...you guys" Carlos greeted them and hugs them. "Having fun?" Max comes and puts his arm over my shoulder. "Oh .....Of course Max. Quality time" I said and give him a wink. We all laugh out loud at my words. "So, do you guys also comes for pre training?" Carlos asked them . "Yeah we are. You are trying and preparing so much for this race. So, we also need to beat you Mr. Latino" Max added. Carlos lets out a small chuckle with Max.

"You guys are already here" we all heard that French accent and look at him. It was Charles Leclerc. He comes with huge smile until he saw me. His brightly, huge smile slowly disappear from his face. "Yo ...Charlie" Lando and Daniel greeted him while he and Carlos giving each other a small hug. He gives them nods and hugs them before he turn toward me. I give him a small nod and smile when we both connect our eyes. Instead of giving back , he walks up towards me and hugs me while slightly touch my cheek with his. Not only I am but also all of the other drivers are looking at him with disbelief. "Nice to meet you again Bella" his sudden greeting, makes me a small flinch. "Yeah ...Thanks Charles" I returned. He just looking at me with those eyes again ,without breaking a hug. He seem like he is going to tell something , but , before he try to open his mouth Lando and Alex walk up to us and hug him. They pull him into the garage by holding his shoulder and laughing . All of the others drivers also walk back to their garage.

 I let out a soft sigh in uncomfortableness. When I look at to Carlos, he is looking towards Charles and his eyes are even darker than usual. I slowly walks up to him and stands beside him. "I don't know what is happening with him" Carlos answered me without my question , like he is already known what is in my thought. "I don't know" I shrugged my shoulder and said. I can feel that he is turning towards me and looking into my soul, like I am gonna disappear into the air. As soon as I turn towards him, he pulls me into his embrace and hugs me tightly by wrapping his arm around my waist. 

"Are you ok ?" I asked him. He didn't say anything and snuggle his head into my neck.

"I just want you to be Mine." he said in mumble. That's really makes me chill down to my spine. I slowly place my hand into his hand and said into his ear.

"I am yours ...Carlos". Without looking at him I can feel his smile on my shoulder.

At the same time ,I can also feel that someone is staring us deeply from the garage. 

'It was him....'

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