Episode 40

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Carlos's Pov:

"Carlos can you help me to pull my lower back Zip?" Bella called out my name from the Bedroom while I was wearing my style pants. "Can I come in" I make an excuse before I went into the room. She was in her tight Black dress which is perfectly fit on her gorgeous body. "There is a zip on my lower back" she pointed to me without looking at me. I pulls up the zip and slightly pull her into my chest by warping my arms around her waist. "You are so Beautiful" I said while I was rubbing her waist slowly. "You look Handsome too" she said with small giggle. 

Emma's outfit:

After she wearing her earrings , she slightly turns around towards me

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After she wearing her earrings , she slightly turns around towards me. " You look really good in suit I am not gonna lie" she said whilst putting her hands over my shoulder. We both looking into each other. "I Love you Bella. Deeply in love with you" I said and slowly leans towards her Red lips. We can feel our warmth breath against each other. Without responds anything, she slowly moves her hand on my neck and pulls me until I met with her soft lips. Our lips collide each other perfectly in full of obsession. After a few moments later we both break our kiss for breath and she leans backwards and gives me a smile. I was stilling looking at her lips. 

I want to hear her soft voice that tells "I Love You too Carlos". But, she never said those words to me instead of kisses and her sweet smiles.


Emma's Pov: 

"Shall we go?" I asked him while I was holding his arm to adjust myself whilst wearing my high heels boots. "If you are ready" he responds with brightly smile. I look at him for a while and fixed his white column to look better. Then, I give him a ready wink and we both went out from the Room. "Hello 2 love birds" we heard the greeting , as soon as we arrived at the elevator. It was Daniel's greeting and there is also other drivers are there. And also Charles Leclerc. He is also in his tight black suit with messy bangs hair. " Hello Gentlemen" I make a quick greeting to all of them without breaking my holding to Carlos's arm. "You look so slaying " Lando said in huge smile. "We are all gonna be tonight Highlight cause of our Fabulous Carlos's Girlfriend." Max added. We both laugh out loud at his word. "You look so beautiful Bella" the French Driver said. I  slightly turn my head towards him and said " Thank you Charles and you too". He still looking at me without breaking eye connect until the elevator come up and open. Carlos slightly grabs my lower back and gesture me to get in first. After I took a place in the elevator , everyone also join into the elevator. "It is a Horner to ride an elevator with you Miss Bella" Daniel teasingly said. We all let out chuckle and I slightly push his back. Carlos also smiling with full of delightful. When I look at him , he also turns towards me and we both lock up our eyes. We both quickly share a peck on our lips. "Lets have a party" as soon as we arrived at lobby Max shouted in air. We all take our own car to get to a Big Mansion Club which is really famous in Bahrein.

It took a couple of mins to get to the Mansion. Carlos stopped his car in front of the main door of the Mansion and swiftly get out of his car while the Butler comes and open his door. Another Butler comes towards me and opens my door. Carlos puts out his hand to grab my one . I give him a small smile and slightly grab his hand. We both walk up to the main door along with the Huge Luxury Stairs. "Welcome Mr. Sainz and Miss Bella" one of the Butler greeted us with a bow while another Butler give us a tray of Champaign Glasses. As soon as we both took our glasses, they open their Huge Main Door which is shinning with White and Gold. A loud voice of DJ, flashing lights and huge crowd Instantly greet us when we took a step into the Mansion. 

"PARTY!" Max and Lando shouted from behind us. They all disappeared with huge crowd and leave us alone. "Lets walk up to the Bar." Carlos gestured to the bar and said. " Really, awesome" I raised my voice a little bit to enough to hear. "They are always like this" he said while sipping his Champaign. While we both talking to each other Lily and Alex come towards and greet. "Hey Bella you so gorgeous" Lily said with huge smile and hugs me. They both wear couple Navy Blue suit and dress. Carlos also make a greeting with Alex. "You look so beautiful too Lily" I make a compliment for her beautiful Navy Blue dress. "Thank you Bella" she responds with huge smile. Alex also gives me a small hug. "Why don't you guys join with us?" I asked to them while I was hugging Lily's waist with my one hand. "We would gladly do" they both swiftly answered and join with us. 

We all talk to each other and having our drinks while talking with different topics. Then, we heard Lando's voice from the stage. He was playing as DJ position on the stage while a huge crowd surrounded him. "Shall we dance?" I asked to them with smirk. "Shall we?" Carlos gives me back and we all stand up from our seat and walk towards the dance floor. As soo as we step on the dance floor, I pull Carlos against my body and puts my hand over his shoulder. He also grabs my waist and pulling towards him by pressing his lower part. I moved my whole body with the beat of the Song. "Do you like it?" I asked him with smirk. "No, I am just Obsessed with you" he swiftly spins me around. I keep moving my body while my bare back was touching his hard chest. He also sink his head into my neck and kiss it. The Tension of between us was interrupted by Lando's and Daniel's announcement. 

"Ladies and Gentlemen , look at who we got for tonight." Daniel pointed to us while he was standing on the DJ stage. All of the crowd paused their moving and look toward us. 

"Really Lovely couple is dancing in the middle of the Dance floor."Lando added. The crowd make a applause voice. 

"Being a Lovely couple for tonight and also a Podium winner. Why don't we request our Beautiful Emma Bella for her brilliant performance?" Daniel added. "Oh No...Daniel" Carlos mumbled. 

"Who agree with us?" Lando shouted. 

"YAYYYYY" the huge crowd make a loud noise. 

"Who agree with us?" Max also joined. 

"YAYYYY" they all make a loud noise again. 

I let out a small chuckle . "I have to go for you Mr. Sainz" I give him a wink and walk up towards the stage.

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