Episode 42

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Carlos's Pov:

"Excuse me for a while" Bella excuse to us and leave us with Lily. "Carlos you are really a keeper" Sergio said and grabs my shoulder. "Yeah he is always a man full of secrets" Daniel added. "We didn't known that he was dating with Emma Bella until she show up to Ferrari Office room" Lando said. "Come on guys...I am not kid anymore. Nearly 30 now" I said with some giggles and we all walk back to our VIP Section. While we all enjoying with our conversation about our Race , some random boys come up towards us. "Hey Guys" one of the boys said. We all look at them and Daniel greet them back. "Hey guys...do you need something?" Daniel said. "No , we just come here to meet with Sluty Emma" one of the boys said with grin. As soon as we heard that words, all of the drivers look at him with harden face. "You What?" Charles asked them with furious tone. " The girl who is dating with each F1 guys" he answered us with grin. I swiftly stand up from my seat and walk towards them. "We dent want to make a big situation here. So, why don't you guys just leave us alone?" I try my best not to punch his face and said. "Come on. We just want to see that F1's whore girl" he raised voice and shouted to us. At that time, all of the busy crowd turn into silent and started their recording to us. Max and Charles come and stand beside me by facing them. " It is not a really good time for argument guys" Max said. Instead of walking back. He took a few steps more to me and asked me. "Where is your Whore?....or Should I said all of your guys' Whore?". Before I fits my hand onto his face, a familiar voice come out from behind them and interrupted us. It was Bella.


"Something wrongs Guys?" I called out and walk towards them. As soon as I walk into the VIP section, those boys turn towards me. I also turn towards them and look at them. "Do you need something" I asked them. "Nice to meet you Miss Bella the biggest Whore for F1 drivers" one of the boys said to me. I let out a chuckle which is make all of the drivers and those boys in confused. 

"What? are you jealous?" I asked him.

He frowned and "What did you say?" he asked me back. 

"I said, do you jealous because you cant sleep with them" I pointed to drivers and said. "But, unfortunately, they are all gentlemen and not a boy just like you." I added again. All of the drivers and crowd let out giggles at him. 

"You ...Bitch" before he raised his hand towards me, Charles and Carlos slightly stand in front of me. "See you are just a bitch who is fucking with all of the men for Attention" he shouted to me. I interrupted Carlos's statement by pulling back his arm.

"I don't care if you hate me or not. I just living in my own way and you just barking at me from the sidewalk and now you are tell me that I am the one who wants attention?" I asked him.

"Come on ...why don't you taking your own size?" I added him. He take a little steps towards me and said. "What can you do to me? Slap or tell those driver to punch me?" he asked me with giggles. His a few friends also join with him. I slightly lean towards him to enough to hear.

"Nah...I wont, because it is really pity to touch your body part." I said with smirk. As soon as I lean backward, we all heard a loud slam door voice come from the Main Door. There is a few policemen and securities run towards us while Liam and John also follow with us. "Are you ok sweetie?" Liam asked me. "I am ok. Thanks Liam for on time" I returned him with smile. "I am always on time for you Emma" he give me a wink.


Flash back: Before I joined to them.

"Wait...Bella...What are you doing?" while Lily was trying to pull me back, I paused my steps and immediately grab my phone and sent a quick message to Liam. Thankfully, he hastily replied me.

ME: Screw up!!! 

Liam: Hit a call and dont hang up. I am coming. Remember! dont screw up anything until                    we arrived.

I hit a phone call to him and hold my phone tightly and walk towards them.


"We will tell later when we were arrived at Police station" Liam said to the boy and to the policemen. All of the policemen and securities pull him and with his friends. It was not over until he make another words. "Do you really think it is over? Emma Bella?" he called out to me. "There will be a Bold Title with Emma Bella treated rudely to her anti-fans by abusing with policemen" he shouted us while he was pushing the securities. "You don't have to respond to them Bella" Liam said to me. I turn my attention back to Carlos by holding his arm. "Are you ok Bella?" Carlos warps his arms around my back and asked me softly. Before I give him a nod, the boy shouted again. In this time, his statement make me to Screw up everything. 

"Your Entire existence bothers me!" he shouted towards me. 

"Bella ...Don't" before Liam could stop me, I quickly walks  towards to Yuki who is sitting at the couch in VIP Section. "What are you drinking Yuki San?" I asked him. "I was just drinking Vodka which is mixed with fruits in the bowl" he said. "Do you like it?" I added again. "No, Not really" he answered back. "Good!" I said and immediately grab the bowl and walk back towards him and throw the whole drink right into his face. All of the drivers and crowd became jaw dropped and looking at me. I put the bowl into Charles hand and said. "You really want a Bold Title right?...Then I will give you , but with a different Title". he was struggling to open his eyes cause of the Vodka while 2 policemen grabs his arms and tie his wrist and pull him aggressively to the Main Door. 

"Why did you do..?" before Liam asked to me I interrupted him.

"What do you want me to do Liam? ...should I just sit still?" I added.

"But, you screw up ..." he paused and let out a sigh. 

"We cant solve like this ...and you know it well Bella" he added again.

"She didn't do anything wrong " Charles joined in our conversation.

 "Yes, she just did what she need to do" Gasly also added. 

"You guys don't understand about our cruel community" Liam returned to them.

 I try to open my mouth and try to say , but, " She didn't do anything wrong and also we all have evidence about tonight and we can approve that she was a victim, If you guys need" Carlos said.

 All of the drivers agree with Carlos. I slightly turn my head towards him and give him a weakly smile. He quickly took off his coat and hover me with it. "Can we leave now?" Carlos asked to Liam. "Yeah , make sure to safe at to the hotel and i will call you back about your LA" Liam slightly grabs my arm and said. I just give him a agreement nod . Carlos warps his arm around my arms and took me towards the Main Door to went out. "You guys coming?" Carlos asked to Charles before we went out. "Don't worry about us, just make sure Bella is safe " Charles said with causal but full of furious in his tone. Carlos give him a nod and took me to the car. I stopped him by grabbing his arm , when he tried to open the car door for me. 

"What's wrong Bella?" he asked me with softly. I slowly walks towards him until I met with his chest. I buried my face into his chest and cry out loud

I cried out loud as much as I tried myself to control the whole time. 

"What did I do wrong Carlos?" I asked him in crying. "Why are they hating me so much?" I added again. 

"Oh Bella..." he said in crackling voice and hold me close.

"Your Entire existence bothers me!" those words I used to heard all the time when I was little.

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