Episode 16

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"Finally ....We got our Buzzfeed's BFF Test Interview" Dua Lip said while she is jumping around in my bedroom.

"Stop ...Dua . You almost gonna broke my House ." I said in giggle . 

"Why ...I am so exciting about that "She said and laid on my Bed. I also join with her and said "We are gonna blow up Buzzfeed." She wink at me and we both laugh out loud .


"Are you guys ready to go ?" Sara asked us . "Yeah we will be in a minute " Dua replied to her . We are already in the Buzzfeed 's Studio and now we are in the Back Stage.

Me and Dua have same outfit for Today. I was Black and she is Grey . We both look like Twins.

Outfit for Buzzfeed :

"Are you guys ready ?" the producers asked us

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"Are you guys ready ?" the producers asked us . 

"Yeah ..."we both answered and they were start Rolling.

*In this part Emma and Dua Lipa will both have conversation.*

Emma - Script. / Dua Lipa - Script.

"Hello Guys I am Emma Bell ." "And I am Dua Lipa "

"Today we are here at the Buzzfeed to take the Best Friend Forever Test to see how well we actually know each other "I said.

"So ...What are we waiting for ?"  Dua Lipa said. 

"For the first one 'When is your Birthday?'

"That was easy August 22 " "And September 20" we both laugh.

"How long have you know each other ?"

"Nearly about 10 years" "Oh...you know it well..."

"Who is your favorite co-star?"

"Easy , Dua Lipa " "Haha ...Emma Bella"

"Favorite color ?"

"You like purple and black ....right" "Yeah ...and you is Red and black ."

"What would you want to be if you are not become a singer ?"

"Umm ...., I think this one will be a little bit tricky, cause I don't know ...I guess professional model ?" "Yeah ...how did you know?" " I just guessing ...." "Well ...I think you want to become a professional photographer .Cause you said me once ." We both laugh at each other every single questions that we answered. 

"Ok guys ...we are here for our Buzzfeed BFF Test and ...I think you guys will enjoy us ." "Yeah ...I hope you guys enjoy us and see you Next time ". We both give a wave and fly kiss to camera . 

"Fabulous Work you two " the producer comes to us and said us. We both make a hand shake with them and we went out .

"Wait Bell ...wait " Dua pulls my arm and said when we both went outside. "What's wrong?" I asked her . " I want to buy bouquet for Callum " she said with massive grin. "Fine" I rolled my eyes and said. We both walk towards the Bouquet shop which is near us. She wants to surprise him for Way Back Home from Russia. When she was choosing a bouquet ,Sara pulls my arm and show me something on her phone . It was the photo of us . I smile at her and whisper to her "Sent me ". She gives me a nod and sent me. After a few mins later , we all get back to our car . I took out my phone and post a update .

@emmabella: " with my teenager Bestie @dualipa~

@emmabella: " with my teenager Bestie @dualipa~

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'When will be the Lounge...?" Sara asked me when we arrived at home .

"Tomorrow " I answered while I am taking off my suite. "Umm ...we need to see about that " Sara said and sit on the coach that is in my bedroom. "Don't worry ...it always go really well "I added. She just gives me a nod . " We all believe that , you did your best on this Album . So... It will be ok like always ." " I did ...more than my Best ...Sara " I said to her while walking into the Bathroom. 


"Girl ....you made it again " Liam said and hugs me.  It has been the only in a few hours after we Lounge My New Album .But it is already in the Top Of Billboard and Top of the Biggest Sale Album Of The Year. We all make a Big applause claps . "Congratulation Emma ...you did it again" Nick comes and hugs me . "Thank you so much guys ...without you ...I will never be make it " I told them and hug them . "I think we are gonna be Busy in these days" Sara said to me while she is holding her phone . Her phone is gonna be blow up because of the phone call . All of the Media, Magazine and even New York Time also calling to Sara ,to make a Interview about my Lounge. "So , ...I am going to have some fun "I stand up from the coach and said . "Be my guest and have fun ...Darling" Sara said and gives me a hugs before she picks up another phone call. 

I went out from Studio and get in my car.  I am gonna go out for shopping . I start my engine and drive out of the Parking Lot. I directly drive through to the Cartier Lounge for my shopping .* I really love their collections . They are really Simple and Classic at the same time.* . I stop my engine in front of the lobby and I give my car key to Butler. He gives me a nod and open the Main Door for me . As soon as I arrived , some of the saleswomen run towards me . "Hello Miss Bella ...would you like to Private Lounge?" one of the woman asked me . "I would love to " I shortly answered to them and they took me to the Private Lounge Room. It was a big room which is full of Cartier 's masterpiece . I take a seat on the Big White Coach which is stay in the middle of the room . "Would you like to have Champaign or Water ?" one of the man bows towards me and asked me . "I nee to drive ...so just give me a Cold one" he nods at me and leave . "These are the latest collection of Cartier " the Manager comes to me and opens the Box which is full of Cartier Jewelry . There is full of bracelet and rings. "I want all of them , with different colors. and also give me that ...LOVE earrings too ." The earrings are the most luxury stuff in Cartier . I spend nearly 2 hours in there . I took a sign on my Check Payment and I went out from the Private Room . I took a quick glance around the Longue while Manager told me about their next collaboration. Then , I saw some familiar appearance at the one of the Counter. I take a step forward ...to make a clear vision of that appearance. When I get closer finally, I saw that figure. It was Carlos . He was standing in front of the woman. *Does he has Girlfriend?* I wonder myself . I want to greet him ,but I also don't want to make awkwardness situation in front of his girl . So , I started to leave without knowing . But... the cracking voice of Carlos , makes me turns around and walk up to them . 

"No ...you are wrong Lizzie , I don't have anything on you anymore and we are already done." Carlos said to the girl. "But , you still miss me right?" she said and grabs him arm . I can clearly see Carlos seem really uncomfortable with her touch . "Don't touch me Lizzie Milan" he said and push her hand away from his arm. Before she start her next statement again ,I interrupted  them.

"Hey ...Carlos . Is that you ?" I said to him and walk up to him .

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