Episode 22

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"Where should we go ?...Downtown?" he asked me while opening the Office Door for me. "Nice option Carlos" I exclaim. We both walk side by side... to his Driver Garage. "Can you wait for a while?" he said. I nodded and said "Take your time Mr. Sainz".Then, I take a seat on the small coach and rest my back. He slightly slide back his hair and walk into his Driver Room. After a few mins later, I headed some footsteps storm into the garage. "Mate ...are you gonna ?" Lando Norris and other drivers come into his garage. They all freeze their steps when they saw my appearance. "Hi guys...Carlos is in his room." I said with awkward smile. "Are you Emma Bella?" one of the drivers said me with huge smile. "Absolutely yes." I swiftly smile at him. "I am Daniel Riccardo" he said and gives me a hug. "Nice to meet you" I hug him back.

It only takes a few mins and now we all sit together and talking to each other. The other drivers also join into his garage. "So , I want to know that ,how did you do that Bathroom scene in The Judas Movie?" Alex asked me. "Yeah it was pretty cool ."Max added. "Did you guys watched that movie?" I asked in gasp. '"Of course ...told ya...we are your big fans" Lando said in chuckle. "Thanks .And for that scene , I do it by myself. There is no stent stuffs or anything." they all gasp in amaze . "So you break that mirror with your own head?" George asked. "Well ,yes I did. But it was man made mirror....so, we can break it easily by using one finger" I said. We keep talking each other until Carlos comes out from his room. "Hey ...mate" Max greeted him. I turn around and look at him, he is not anymore in his Racing Suit. Now, he is in white T shirt with black jacket and black style pants. *He looks nice*. He also turns his gaze to me and give me a soft smile. I also return him same. "What are you guys doing here?" Carlos asked them while he walks toward and stand beside me. "We are come here for our private fan meeting" George answered and give me a wink. I let out and small giggle with them. "Shall we go?" Carlos leans toward me and asked me. "Sure" I said and we both went out from the garage. I give a wave to all of the drivers for farewell. 

When I stand beside him again, he grabs my hand in his. We both walkthrough the other drivers' garage by talking each other. At the time we saw that appearance ,we both stop our steps and look at him. It was Charles who seem like pissed off . "Hey Mate ...where have you been?" Carlos asked with smile. But, he didn't say nothing and walked pass beside me. Carlos also seem a little bit confuse. We both keep walking to our car until Lewis greeting stop both of us. "Hey Bella" he always greets with huge grin. "Hey ...LuLu" I greeted back him by calling his Nickname. "Did you just call me LuLu?" he asked me with frown. "Why ?...you don't like it?" "Bell...I am nearly 40 and you are calling me a weird nickname" he said in chuckle. Without saying anything Carlos just looking at me. "Hey mate ...how's going?" Lewis asked to Carlos. "Everything is fine" he replied swiftly. Carlos tighten his grip a little bit to grab my attention. "Shall we go?" he asked me. I give him a nod and we both said 'Bye' to Lewis and get into our car. 

"Shall we go for a light food?" Carlos asked me. "Not ...bad. I am really starving now" I answered and locked my seatbelt. We both drive to the Downtown cafe. Carlos comes towards me and opens the car door for me. "Do you want Pork Sandwiches or Beef Sandwiches?" I asked Carlos. "I will just have Beef" he said by reading the Menu Screen. "2 Beef Sandwiches with Large Size" I ordered to the counter. After a few mins of waiting ,they give me our orders. We both grab our sandwiches and went out from the shop. "Lets take a seat here" he gestures me to one of the seats that located in front of the shop. We took a seat and enjoy our sandwiches. 

"What are you guys talking in the garage?" he asked me while taking a bite his sandwich. "Nothing special ,they just asking me about my Movie" I said. "Yeah, they are really massive fans of yours" he said in small giggle. "I am really appreciate that they are my really big fan". We both talking about an hour at the shop. "Shall we leave for now?" I asked him. He gives me an agreement nod and we both leave our seat. Sonner we got back to our car, a loud scream stops us our steps. "OH MY GOD ...It is Emma Bella" one of the girls from a shop screaming and runs towards me. "Hello there" I greeted her with bright smile. "I am your big fan Emma" she said and start screams again. "Oh...thank you" I hugged her. "My sister is also your massive fan too " she said and points out into the shop. "Why don't you also call her for trio photo?" I said her with smirk. "Really!" she shouted in excitement and runs back into the shop. 

"What a lovely girls...that I have as My Fans" I mumbled myself in my mind and let out soft giggles while looking at them through the Shop's Window. 

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