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(a/n: this is based on episode 10 of what door, during Taesan's segment, like the base of this chapter)

🧼 lovers

😎: Jaehyun hyung, do you enjoy being annoying on purpose?

Annoying crybaby: wdym?

Sungho: bffr


Sungho: that feels very insulting

😎: it's meant to be

Sungho: i-

Sungho left the group chat

😎: old people don't like group chats... Noted.

Annoying crybaby: I understand why everyone is leaving

Riwoo 🌟: same

😎: I know the answer so I won't be asking

😎: anyway, Jaehyun, back to what I was asking, is it fun being annoying?

Annoying crybaby: yes, very

😎: Im gonna follow in your footsteps

😎 went offline

Annoying crybaby: what is he doing?

Riwoo 🌟: he just asked me for a bottle of paint

Fish prince: he's gonna do the same thing as you without the gun I think

Annoying crybaby: oh- oh no.

Riwoo 🌟: he just left the dorm

Fish prince: you have about 5 minutes the time he comes to the door and remembers the code

Annoying crybaby: what is he going to do 😭

Riwoo 🌟: I have an idea


Annoying crybaby: *hyung, you're not a car

Riwoo 🌟: Vroom Vroom

Fish prince: he just asked me where your shoes were

Annoying crybaby: my shoes...?

Annoying crybaby went offline

Fish prince: this is hilarious

Riwoo 🌟: is he pouring the paint on his shoes?

Fish prince: yes 😭

Riwoo 🌟: I need Jaehyun's reaction

Fish prince: watch him go to your dorm and cry

Riwoo 🌟: how much do you bet?

Fish prince: there's no opposing party tho, we're both guessing the same thing

Riwoo 🌟: oh right

Annoying crybaby: that little bastard

Fish prince: he's back

Annoying crybaby: There's only one correct response to this

Annoying crybaby removed 😎

Fish prince: is this even Boynextdoor atp?

Riwoo 🌟: i don't think so

Annoying crybaby: do you want to be leader Riwoo?

Riwoo 🌟: uhhh... No.

Riwoo 🌟 went offline

Annoying crybaby: Leehan?

Fish prince: I'm the second youngest

Annoying crybaby: that didn't stop belift labs

Fish prince: ?

Annoying crybaby: Enhypen? Jungwon is the second youngest, he's born in 2004, just like you

Fish prince: ohhhh, no thank you

Fish prince went offline

Annoying crybaby: grahhhhh no

Annoying crybaby: im the leader, people should respect me!

Annoying crybaby went offline



I don't really like this chapter, but hopefully you do! Happy 6 months of boynextdoor as my ults!

-Jude out!


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