Wake Up

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Fish prince: Riwoo wake your boyfriend up

Riwoo 🌟: who?

Fish prince added Giant Mountain

Fish prince added Sungho

Giant Mountain: why did you add me back?

Fish prince: are you part of boynextdoor or not?

Giant Mountain: sadly yes

😎: sadly?

Fish prince: anywayyyy, back to you waking Jaehyun up

Riwoo 🌟: ohhh that's who you were talking about

Fish prince: also, someone wake Sungho up

Riwoo 🌟: oh, so that's who you were talking about

😎: who else

Riwoo 🌟: no one?

Riwoo 🌟: how do I wake him up?

😎: Idk

Riwoo 🌟 went offline

Jaehyun 🐶: why did you wake me up 😭

Jaehyun 🐶: I'll come out in a while

Fish prince: no, get up now, otherwise you'll fall asleep

Riwoo 🌟: I'm staying by your side until you wake up

Jaehyun 🐶: that's a punishment?

Riwoo 🌟: yes?

Jaehyun 🐶: no it's not bbg

Riwoo 🌟: bbg 😭

Jaehyun 🐶: am I wrong?

Riwoo 🌟: yes, yes you are

😎: i second that

Fish prince: I third that

Jaehyun 🐶: stfu

Fish prince: ?

Jaehyun 🐶: you called Taesan bbg 😭


Jaehyun 🐶: because you're in our group

😎: I'm not

Riwoo 🌟: dude, wtf??

Jaehyun 🐶: Bahahahaha

Giant Mountain: Sungho hyung still isn't up

Fish prince: who cares?

Giant Mountain took a screenshot

Fish prince unsent a chat

Jaehyun 🐶: too late

Fish prince: oh

Fish prince went offline


iant Mountain: that's perfect blackmail

😎: umm... Blackmail is illegal

Giant Mountain: no shit sherlock

Jaehyun 🐶: b nice to our maknae!

Giant Mountain: don't feel like it

Jaehyun 🐶: intj

Jaehyun 🐶: istg

Giant Mountain: that's my mbti!

Jaehyun 🐶 went offline

Riwoo 🌟 went offline

😎: omg, they both went offline
they're gonna have sex

Giant Mountain: wtf Woonhak

😎 went offline

Giant Mountain: get your mind out of the gutter

Giant Mountain went offline



Can you tell that I have no ideas for topics? Cause I don't have any ideas lmao, I can't find anything in my head
Alsoooo! Tysmmmm for 100 reads!

-Jude out!


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