Birthday 2

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"Well thank you for re adding me!" Woonhak exclaimed loudly, so that everyone in the upper dorm- Riwoo and Taesan, heard him. The two older boys chuckled at his reaction. They knew they'd be teasing him later on, they always did such a thing.

"So cute!" Riwoo exclaimed going up to him and poked the taller boy's cheek. The maknae rolled his hand before slapping his hand away.

With that, he went towards the door, he almost fell over the shoes, that were all messily thrown at the door. The two older boys exchanged worried glances, and they quickly went up to him. To persuade him not to go to the lower dorm, which was where they would be celebrating the youngest's birthday.

"Woonhak! Do you want to play a game?" Riwoo quickly asked, without getting any answer, he was already grabbing a pack of uno cards. He made Taesan mix them, the boy at first protested but just gave up afterwards.

"Sure hyung!" He happily skipped towards the dining table. It seemed like he completely forgot about wanting to go downstairs. Which was a good, even great thing.

Riwoo forced Taesan to sit down, to play as well. The shortest of the three distributed the cards. Woonhak, being the youngest and the birthday boy, started the round.

Without him knowing, Taesan and Riwoo had made up a plan against him. If Woonhak were to notice this, he would throw a "fit".

Poor Woonhak, even getting teased on his birthday. Being the maknae of Boynextdoor is not an easy task.

After a couple of games, Taesan finally got a message, they could now go down, for Woonhak's birthday party. If they weren't down in the next five minutes, they knew an angry Jaehyun would be at their door, getting ready to drag them down to celebrate his group mate's surprise birthday party.

Luckily, they just finished their game as Taesan got the message. So immediately, Riwoo made him stand up. It was in a way that isn't too suspicious. So Woonhak couldn't really guess what was happening.

Well, unless of course he connected the dots.


They went downstairs and typed in the pin of the lower dorm. They didn't get the pin right first try, so the three that were in the dorm, getting ready to wish Woonhak a happy birthday, just laughed.

On their second attempt, they finally managed to enter the dorm. The three boys, Sungho, Jaehyun and Leehan started singing happy birthday to him.

Once they were done, Woonhak went up to Jaehyun, typical, their bond was like no other. He hugged the leader and thanked all the other members.

"You remembered!" He sounded extremely happy, as if this wasn't the second birthday they were spending together. Woonhak couldn't stop thanking his friends.

"Happy birthday Woonhak!"



Short chapter after so long, sorryyyy
Thank you so so so much for 6k reads!!

-Jude out!


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